Feb 16, 2006 14:25
Well, I guess it's time for my last post for awhile because i will be packing up my computer and mailing it to germany shortly.....that as well entails me NOT using this, email, or myspace....sorry. i will still have this for a few more days. i have a few days left of this...more precisely...four.
So what have i accomplished in the past year of being deployed to the desert? Not much.
i've managed to be married over a year to chrystal and i've managed to get through the desert without a scratch....well.....maybe not a scratch, but at least i didnt get a limb blown off.
anyway. i don't have much to say about this place. i spent a year of my life working my ass off almost NEVER getting a damn break. i would have taken a few classes (yes they offer a few college courses out here), but i was always so tired that i just didn't bother. especially when 12 hour days turned into 14 and 15. so...there you pretty much have it.
i may not have changed that much in this past year, but certainly nobody leaves a deployment for a year the exact same way they came in.
i suppose i might have grown up a little. i see that every action has consequence. i guess i might be a little more cautious with the coices i make in life. everything i do affects the outcome of my life.
i'm just trying to better it. at least when i leave the military i can look back on the six or whatever years i spent and say "damn, had a helluva time, learned something, and my life is better".
it seems like the closer we get to leaving, the LONGER the days drag ON......i mean....snails pace. it sucks.
good news is that the people replacing us just got here today (woohoo!!!). now all we have to do is get them up and flying and say....PEACE MUTHA FUCKA'S!!!!!!!!!
the bad news is there is NO good time anymore to use the phones, the laundry, or go to the DFAC (dining facility for you non-military folk). there has been such a HUGE influx of troops to this post that everything is packed...hell, we are putting up more tents out here just to house everyone. i mean, you have to wait 45 minutes in line just to eat crappy food.
but oh well, this place is almost behind me. i would like to forget about the fact that for a year i just came out here and waited to leave. what i would like to remember are the times when i laughed. when my friends did something so outrageously funny that water would spurt out my nose.
in a sense, i'm going to miss this place. of course you get tired of some people....but some people, the good ones, you get attached to. y'know, the guys you came out here with and "embraced the suck" for a whole year and it wouldn't have been the same without them. you spend more than half the day with most of the people and they just.....grow on you.
other than that, i am waiting to go back to germany...........and have a little bit of fun......and come home and see my beautiful wife once again.
chrystal......i will be leaving here soon.....i will be seeing you soon....
i love you.