calm yo tits

Nov 17, 2012 13:30


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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ffa

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bimyo_na November 17 2012, 19:33:56 UTC

What's going on with everyone? I have a job interview on Monday. I'm freaking out tbh D:


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bimyo_na November 17 2012, 19:36:17 UTC
Thank you! Yup, it is. I'm so nervous T___T

How you been bb?


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bimyo_na November 17 2012, 19:45:58 UTC
Congrats on finishing midterms~ :D Wow, how far away are your finals?

I haven't started preparing, no. OTL It's in the education abroad office for a university. I have quite a lot of experience being educated abroad lol, but not so much office work... And there's some 'work related exercise' after the interview itself. UGH


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bimyo_na November 17 2012, 20:00:49 UTC
I think it might be a written exercise. I can't remember where I got that info from though OTL

Damn, that seems awfully close to your midterms but maybe time is just flying by for me idk. I can't believe it's almost December D: Good luck reviewing bb! You can do it!!


splickerflicker November 17 2012, 19:36:08 UTC
hello bb!
omg good luck on your job interview hun :3.......hwaiting! hope the nerves stay away :(
here..just internet-ing my way out of reality huhuhu...reminds me i actually have schoolwork =_(\


bimyo_na November 17 2012, 19:39:23 UTC
hello hello~

Thank uuuuu ;__;
I'm basically doing that now too lol. Good luck with your schoolwork!


splickerflicker November 17 2012, 19:42:32 UTC
i'll probably do schoolwork tomorrow since it's 3:41 am now in my country (sobs)


bimyo_na November 17 2012, 19:59:11 UTC
That's probably for the best lol. Hope you have sweet dreams bb~


lem_on November 17 2012, 19:38:52 UTC
GOOD LUCK! I know that can be really nerve-wracking. Prepare yourself and you'll do well!!


bimyo_na November 17 2012, 19:42:23 UTC
Thank you!! :D I'm going to try to prepare but there's some 'work related exercise' after the interview and I have no idea what to expect UGH



lem_on November 17 2012, 19:51:56 UTC
there's some 'work related exercise' after the interview and I have no idea what to expect UGH
That sounds slightly terrifying. What's the job you're applying for, if you don't mind me asking? My sister, who's an engineer, did some things like problem solving scenarios in groups, according to my mom and hearing 'work related exercise' made her think of that. So I guess maybe being given real-life scenarios you might encounter and telling the interviewer how you would respond or solve the problem...?


bimyo_na November 17 2012, 19:58:24 UTC
It's in the education abroad office for a university. I think you might be right about them giving me some scenarios. I think it might be written as well, so maybe they just want to see how my writing is idk. It's just the job title itself is so vague (they probably do that because I'd be doing a lot of random stuff orz). I'll try to do some research beforehand... OTL
Thanks for your advice! :D


lem_on November 17 2012, 20:19:12 UTC
Np, I really hope it goes well!


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