Translation: “Hello. It’s EXO’s Kai. Everyone, I’ve come bearing previously undisclosed photos. Using my birthday party as an excuse I spent a wonderful time with all of you at the beginning of the year With the energy I’ve gained, I feel like I’ll be able to to work hard on all my activities until the very end of the year. We should do this again next year. No, but rather If only I could have birthdays on a monthly basis. Holding a party like this each month.. Anyway, this year too, EXO-L have made unforgettable memories for me I’m really thankful and I love you. Bye~”
[Korean] 안녕하세요. EXO D.O.입니다. 저의 생일을 축하해주시는 모든 EXO-L 여러분에게 진심으로 너무 감사하다는 말씀을 전해드리고 싶어요. 그리고 2017년도에 생일을 맞이하는 EXO-L 여러분들에게도 진심으로 축하 드린다는 얘기를 해드리고 싶네요. 항상 스트레스 받지 않고 웃는 모습으로 2017년도도 더 단단해지세요. 감사합니다.
Translation: “Hello. I am EXO’s D.O. To all the EXO-L who wished me a happy birthday, I would like to sincerely express my deep thanks. And to all the EXO-L who will also celebrate their birthdays in 2017, I wish to offer my sincerest congratulations. Always remember to not get stressed, smile and become even stronger in 2017. Thank you.”
Sources: Official EXO-L site (1, 2), Dailyexo (1, 2)