160121 Sehun's Weibo and Instagram updates

Jan 21, 2016 21:23

wu世勋-EXO: "中国的歌迷朋友们, 感谢大家的支持。正因为你们的鼎力支持,我们才能够获得这个奖项! 我们感到无比欣慰。 我们EXO会更加努力的。"

Translation: "Chinese fans, thank you for your support. Only because of your strong support, were we able to get this award! We feel extremely grateful. We as EXO will continue to work harder."

oohsehun: "받아랏🙈"
Translation: "Got it 🙈"

sources: wu世勋-EXO, oohsehun, Dailyexo (1, 2)

♫ translation, ☀ exostagram, ☀ weibo, ▲ member: sehun

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