'Glory Day' updates

Aug 25, 2015 16:51

EXO Suho's debut film, 'Glory Day' is invited to BIFF (Busan International Film Festival). The film festival will be held on 1st to 10th of October.

According to the BIFF web page the film's English name is 'One Way Trip'.

[more details about the plot]
Four friends visit Pohang to see off a friend who is joining the navy. After rescuing a woman who is being beaten by a man, the friends are pursued by the police. One of them lapses into unconsciousness following an ensuing car accident and the other three are arrested on suspicion of murder.

[Suho may or may not attend BIFF]

[a few more stills]

[two more without Suho]

sources: Leading Kim: 1 via Newsen, 2 via Osen | Butterfly Project FB | BIFF: Korean, English

I hope Suho will be able to attend the premiere.

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