More weibo updates on Lay and Go Fighting preview

Jun 17, 2015 20:29

150615 Vogue Fashion & Beauty’s weibo update: “今晚城中最hot的事是什么?和《Vogue服饰与美容》及Chanel一起打保龄球!@宋茜-fx-victoria 张艺兴@努力努力再努力x @周冬雨 @杨紫 @马思纯 5位青春偶像一起体验了一把史上最香的保龄球赛,#TAKEYOURCHANCE# 和Vogue一起邂逅活力吧!”

Translation: “What is the city’s hottest event tonight? Bowling with Vogue Fashion & Beauty and Chanel! @Victoria @Lay @Zhou Dong Yu @Yang Zi @Ma Si Chun, togehter these 5 youthful idols played one round of the most aromatic bowling competition in history, #TAKEYOURCHANCE# to experience the energy with Vogue”

[Bartender Lay at Chanel event]

150615 Power blogger Chrison’s weibo update: “张艺兴在Chanel Chace邂逅淡香水发布会上,仿佛就是在拍摄CF硬照的现场。又是捧大香水瓶,又是表演调酒。这专注又敬业的样子,简直迷倒现场女观众一片………”

Translation: “Zhang Yixing at Chanel Chance Perfume press conference looked like he was at a CF shoot. Sometimes holding perfume bottles, and at other times bartending. This focused yet dedicated look really captured the hearts of the women at the event….”

[Movie update + looking cute with hairband]

150615 ‘The Baby From Universe’ weibo update: “帅霸天要把这两只上交给国家 #从天儿降#”

Translation: “Two crazy handsome gifts to the country #The Baby From Universe#”

[Fans causing problems at the airport?]

150617 Zhang Yixing’s Studio’s weibo update: “各位在重庆机场接机的兴迷朋友们,非常抱歉,我们临时接到通知,出于安全考虑,机场方面建议我们在到达后选择VIP通道,非常遗憾没能在机场与大家见面。张总委托小秘书叮嘱大家,请各位前来接机的兴迷们注意安全,下次有机会再跟大家见面。”

Translation: “To all the fans who are waiting at Chongqing airport, we apologise, we have recieved a last minute notice that due to safety concerns, the airport stuff suggested we use the VIP exit after landing. It’s very regretful that we will be unable to meet everyone at the airport. CEO Zhang has asked his secretary to tell the fans to be conscientious about their safety, and that we hope to see them all if given another opportunity in the future.”

[Photoshoot update]

150615 Air2studio Photographer’s weibo update: “八点开始九点收工 非常顺利 张艺兴”

Translation: “We started shooting at 8, packing up at 9. Extremely smooth Zhang Yixing”

[Go Fighting poster + BTS pic]

150614 Go Fighting’s weibo update: “#极限挑战#答应我”
Translation: “#Go Fighting#Promise me”

150616 Go Fighting weibo update: “#极限挑战#夜间福利,仅供舔屏。。。。。你们觉得这个look是要干啥?”

Translation: “#Go Fighting# Night benefits, only for licking the screen…. why do you think they’re dressed like this for?

150617 Go Fighting weibo update: “#极限挑战#在Brunch的问题上,极限男人帮选择了最接地气的--烤红薯!!”

Translation: “Go Fighting# the question at Brunch, Go Fighting members all chose the most powerful option - roasted sweet potato!!””

[Lots of Lay in Go Fighting preview for next week :)]

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My first time posting! Took me forever. The things I do for Zhang Yixing...

Credits:Go Fighting weibo, Air2studio photographer weibo, DAILYEXO, namja1too4, Vogue China weibo, Baby from Universe weibo, power blogger Chrison weibo

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