
Feb 05, 2008 14:10

Mmmm~♥ I was really tired this morning, and the first class seemed to go on forever. Our new biology teacher is so bad. I like my lectures over experiments, thank you very much, although we aren't really doing biology now (can't wait ♥!) - we're doing physics. About light, reflections and such. It's really, really boring.

After that we had Swedish. It was really interesting - today we were told that we had to analyze and interpret a poem, so I'll start on that asap. This actually lead to something that kept us entertained during geography class (might just subtly sneak in that Spanish sucked, as usual)!

Basically, you first wrote a noun. (OH GOD I DON'T KNOW ABOUT ENGLISH GRAMMAR I'M SORRY)
Then a verb.
Then a.. uhhh... similie?
Then a preposition. (?) XD;;
And finally WHEN this occurs. So, basically, in Swedish.

- Bestämt substantiv, singular/plural.
- Verb.
- Liknelse.
- Preposition.
- När det händer.

It was hilarious.
bögar sig
likt en rullande, överviktig gubbe
i omklädningsrummet
igår kväll.

likt en gubbe skiter,
över ängen
i morgonregnet.

som en kratta köttar löv
i utedasset
klockan 6:09.

Not going to translate these, sry ): Because vocabulary fails me. Uhhuuhuh. Anyway, going to type up that 10051-fic I mentioned to some (: IDK what happened. I should also edit the Rufus/Alicia fic and post it up because OH GOD that pairing ♥. 100U also calls out to me.

school, evve, today

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