Yeah, so I actually got myself a haircut. Which makes me look even younger, I think? Mom thinks I look like Shann...on Dorthery? LOL what ever she's called. Uhhhh so basically there isn't much of a change length-wise, but my fringe is thinner on the right side and... remains thick on the other side. And my hair smells delicious at the moment. ♥
SOOOOO. Hair before I cut it:
Anddd after I cut it the last time:
Yeah, you see the length differences. It's... a lot. NOW, onwards to the actual cut!
I think this one shows my haircolor quite well ♥
AHAHHA I LOOK LIKE A BOY. Um yeah. My eyes look very green? IDK. Probably because they are green.
I should get a lip piercing. I want one. Oh OH this is my current length! Boob-length! 8D;; .... No, just above the boobs ): I'm thinking about another four inches before I get dreads or something. Only, I'd look like an effing hooker in dreads. But I want.
I pretty much tried to look like a rapist/look evil since Evve thinks that I'm evil. I failed hard. Uh, well, she THINKS that I LOOK evil ): She looks more evil. Like, snape-evil? Yeah. I'm... Uh, I'M EVIL OLD EARL DE DARKWOOD-EVIL. RAAAAAAAR I'M GOING TO TAKE YOUR ALIENS AND MAKE THEM MINE.
Okay so that's it. ALSO, CHRISTY, I really like MPD-Psycho. Really. Even though I'm only on the eight chapter, I'm definitely hooked 8D;; ♥ And the GitS soundtrack is also amazing~♥.