Title: Makeshift Day (1/?)
Pairings: OT12; Kai/Krystal, Sehun/Sulli, Luhan/Nana, Chanyeol/Jiyeon, Baekhyun/IU, D.O/Luna, Suho/Chorong, Xiumin/Eunji, Kris/Sooyoung, Lay/Lizzy, Chen/Naeun
Genre: Fantasy | Romance AU; PG-13 ~4,365 words
In a parallel universe, a world called Nydel grows a patriarchal nation built upon the folklore of guardians that are said to be messengers to the special planet called Earth. At a progression once a century, a couple of female special beings are collected from the said planet. With the planet Earth’s apocalypse nearing, the final set of boys are sent to pick up the remaining Nydelians for purpose of a new labor force, and carry on a new world for the next generations. They must be able to perform this within a month before the world ends.