Thursday was absolutely the best day off I've had this summer, hands down. However, I know that not all of my flist particularly care about The Cab or any of that, so I'll cut my review/day and pics. Not dial-up friendly.
Despite living ten minutes away I've never actually spent any time in Patriot Place so my sister, her friend Jacqui and I went up around noon and went shopping and to get lunch. We still ended up back at the concert venue before 2:30. There were already a bunch of people waiting and The Cab's van eventually pulled up right in front of the doors. My sister and her friend went out for a cigarette and apparently Johnson and Cash commented on the shirts they made. We moved outside for a while and just sat on the wall doing Soduko puzzles because we really should have brought something to do. A few of the guys came out and were walking back and forth between the venue and van (which by the way you should NOT write on. Johnson was yelling to ask people not to.) I think I might have seen some people from LJ but I don't know anyone well enough on here to recognize so... -shrug- I did suggest to Cash that he go see Public Enemies.
We were early entry so I grabbed a shirt and went in. We actually ended up two or three people back from the stage. I definitely wasn't moving. I really liked My Favorite Highway. I've been listening to the openers for a few weeks so I could know some of their song. I didn't like Eye Alaska so much. I'm not sure why but the singer rubbed me the wrong way. He came over and held my little sister's hand so many times though. It was kind of funny. The Summer Set were really good too.
I got so squashed during the Cab but it was worth it. Now, sometimes I feel odd because I swear 90% of the people at their concerts are young enough to be my students, but especially the group surrounding me were all still high school aged (and yet all of them were still taller than me) and every time Singer came ot our part of the stage I got squished, and once I even got kind of lifted up off the ground. Damn being short.
Someone said a while ago that they thought Bryan was a perfect fit for the Cab and honestly, I didn't want to believe it then but I really see it now. I love Ian to death and wish he hadn't left but that was really the best I have ever seen them play and just... I don't even know what the right words are. Even though people were pushing and shoving at me the whole show I had the greatest time being up there by the stage. I'm glad they finally had the chance to play some of their other songs. I've been waiting to hear Take My Hand and This City is Contagious for so long.
Afterwards we went outside. My sister went back inside to find Singer but I got to meet Bryan. You guys he is so gracious and sweet. Seriously, he was the first one out and just wanted to meet as many people as possible. God, is he tall though. I also got to say hello to Eloquent (his mic fell apart during his rap in I am Who I Am but he's promising a better return next time they're in Mass). And then I walked over to see Cash. I am hopeless, Cash is totally my favorite. I asked him to take a picture with me and the first thing he did was comment on my Jack's Mannequin sweatshirt which is basically my concert sweatshirt. We actually talked about Something Corporate for a minute after the picture was taken and he likes my screen name (cavanaughpark09) which he commented on at some interview. Really Cash, a fist bump. I totally walked around grinning the rest of the night.
The night ended with Marshall, Bryan and David from My Favorite Highway playing Catch Phrase with a bunch of fans in front of the venue. It was so funny and wicked fun. I got a video up on youtube. If anyone asks for a link I'll post it.
And now, on to pics. They're totally not in order.
not going to lie. I'm a little bit in love with this picture.
seriously, tall.
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