(no subject)

Jun 07, 2011 22:07

The job front is looking good for the summer.  One of our part timers who is regularly late got suspended last week and found a new job so he quit, which means Roche's is going to have hours for me.  In addition, we have a new full-timer who just moved to Franklin.  She's about my age and we've talked about carpooling when we have similar hours which will save us both a ton on gas.

I've done the math and I'm pretty sure that if I work 32 hours a week this summer I can make it through without having to pick up a second job.  Having three days off a week would be great if I want to make plans (which so far almost don't exist) and to be sure I actually put time into the job search and sending in out applications, maybe starting up my grad school application again.

In other news I slept through a call from one of the schools this morning.  Oops.  Hopefully I don't manage that one again.  I also might have a quick tutoring job popping up for the next few weeks.

Prepping for summer, anyone have any good beach books to suggest?  Something long in the history/fantasy genre?  Anything good really?

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