Help me... computer problems.

Apr 12, 2010 20:54

So, I have a pretty sad attachment to my computer.  Probably given to all the writing I do in my free and all the messing around online, but it's my baby.  It's a Dell laptop that I got before I started college so it is almost five years old.  I moved my itunes to my external hard drive this summer, and most of my video, word and picture files are automatically saved there so I have literally half of my computer empty.

But a few months ago I finally updated to the newer Internet Explorer version (because my computer has basically been prompting me to do it for a few months) and all of a sudden it is slow.  It just took my almost ten minutes for the internet to open.  Everything else is slow to open but the internet is horrible.  When I go through to check my e-mails and other sites it's really slow to move and I know it's not my wireless because other computers in my house work fine.

So any suggestions?

(See, this is why I miss being close to WPI where I knew lots of boys who knew so much more about computers that I ever will.) 
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