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Mar 04, 2004 12:21

today is the day for my move.

i'm excited. at the same time very nervous. how will i survive? i'm moving from a three story house with every convenience possible into a tiny room with a shared kitchen (it's a student appartment, we all have our own appartments with one room and a toilet and shower, but we share the kitchen down the hallway). this will be a good thing though. i have been far too spoiled and need to live more timidly. and the truth is that i can't handle being alone/by myself for longer periods of time, therefor moving into my own, regular appartment was out of the question. this way i can always go to the kitchen and hang out with people. but still.

this is what i'll be painting on one of my walls:

isn't it fabulous? i love it. it is the most perfect and best suiting image to have on my wall for me.

ANNA (thaboss) called me last night when i was over at eric's!!! i was so excited!!! thank you for the quick phonecall darling! i can't wait to see you! <3

off i go to continue packing. have i mentioned what ridicolous amounts of stuff i have? this is nuts yo.
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