Oct 17, 2006 14:21
...That Buffy/Riley are the most unpopular BtVS 'mainstream' pairing on LJ, and falls quite a bit lower than most un-mainstream pairings. When searching 'Buffy/Riley' on peoples' interests, there are only 54 results returned, including communities. Full results of my little experiment are as follows:
1) Spuffy 645
2) Buffy/Spike 541
3) Buffy/Angel 552
4) Willow/Tara 519
5) Willow/Oz 324
6) Buffy/Giles 206
7) Xander/Anya 158
8) Spike/Dawn 133
9) Faith/Buffy 124
10) Spike/Drusilla 116
11) Willow/Spike 99
12) Buffy/Xander 78
13) Faith/Spike 69
14) Buffy/Riley 54
This is all the data I've gathered so far (For my gender essay, BTW -- I aim to show that, through gender role reversal and eventual acceptance of gender stereotypes 'somewhere in the middle', Spike and Buffy work to evolve a strong, mutually satisfying relationship with which most people can identify -- Hence finding popularity of pairings) Anyone have any suggestions for pairings I haven't tried? The next step is Google searching and trying the same trick at ff.net.