Feb 27, 2006 15:05
I've come to the conclusion that if I really like a girl, she isn't interested or is otherwise unavailable. And whenever a girl is really into me, I'm usually not all that interested. We might have a few half-decent hookups, but more often than not we both sort of drift apart thanks to a mutual loss of interest. Everyone's always telling me that I'm such a unique person (which I won't contest) and that it'd be hard for me to find a good match, especially in a school like this. I guess that's understandable. The only problem is, I don't really know what I'm looking for to begin with. What if I've found the perfect person already and didn't know it?
What if I'm a bad conversationalist?
What if I'd make a bad boyfriend?
I dunno. Time will tell, but worrying and fretting over it will only make things worse. We'll see what happens.
In other news...
My aforementioned Film Theory professor (the guy with the skullet) is really getting out of control. One thing that's interesting is his style: he wears loose-cut, faded jeans (and wears them really low, like back when sagging Jnco jeans were all the rage) and ubiquitous sweaters. Every day, he wears a skintight sweater with nothing on underneath it-- and every day, his nipples are showing through his sweater.
And I mean, like, hardcore.
Those things are huge, sharp and pointy. He could totally take someone's eye out with one of those things. And it's weird, because he's definitely well into his sixties, if not older. I'd be half expecting them to sag, but no. Those nipples are hella perky.