I don't care!
"This is going to sound horribly, horribly pathetic, but where do you get the confidence to have your own social life?"
Anyway, I feel pretty shitty because I just spent nearly three hours of my life reading the most complicated essay ever on a pretty simple-sounding poem and my brain nearly liquefied and dripped out my nose. The ever-helpful Beth tried to talk me through lines such as "As a metaliterary phenomenon, anecdotal form is a representation of radical aesthetic unself-sufficiency: at the very moment of formal engagement, which cryptically crafted, riddle-like anecdotes (like this one of Wallace Stevens) force us into with all possible zeal for close reading, we are led beyond the assumptions of formalism," but I did not understand and did not care to take the time to attempt to understand, because I didn't read/understand the previous super-complicated essay which would've helped me understand this current essay. I'll have to just pay extra-special close attention in class tomorrow.
My diagnosis: too dumb for school, worst English major ever.
On a more positive note, I'm feeling pretty good cause I cleaned my room, put away the huge pile of clothes on my chair, tried to pick up the cat hair I just noticed was all over the floor (I had to do this by hand, very slowly, because my vacuum is fucked), threw away a few things in my fridge that were making my kitchen smell bad, cleaned the bathroom, etc. It looks really nice in here, as usual really, but it was kind of bad for a couple days.
Last night I played Animal Crossing for like two hours instead of doing my Spanish homework. I figured I'd just do it today before class, which I did, but then I didn't end up going to class, so it doesn't matter that I played video games all night when I should've been doing homework. I'm a little sad because for some dumb reason Animal Crossing takes up a whole fucking memory card, so I had to delete my Twilight Princess file. I took a good two minutes deciding if that's what I wanted to do, or if I should just go buy another memory card, but I decided since I hadn't played Zelda in about a year, I'd just erase it and start over. I had turned it on again and played for a bit last week, and I'd figured out where I was supposed to go and all, but I'd forgotten the whole story, so no big loss I guess.
For a minute I was afraid I had a virus, because Beth's drawings of cocks weren't coming through on msn messenger. I signed out and then back in, crisis averted. Narrowly.
This is why I post surveys. Because I have nothing interesting to say, but, lastly, who wants to join Beth and me for a costume party sometime soon?