Manner and Motion

Dec 04, 2007 22:33

The concepts expressed by language do not exist in isolation, but are interconnected and associated. The understanding of one concept in terms of another.

Well, here it is, 8:25am, and I'm not tired because I'm staying up all day to study for my Linguistics final. I didn't realize this might be a bad idea since I started studying at 8pm last night and am planning on studying pretty much non-stop until my final, which wouldn't be that bad of an idea except my final isn't 'til 7:20pm tonight. So basically I'll be a fucking zombie by then, and I'll probably be too tired to even remember what I spent the last 23 hours studying. Wow. I didn't realize I will have been studying for that long. It's worth it! I need an A on this final otherwise I won't even get a D in this class, I'm so fucking pathetic! It's a good thing I like Linguistics, I guess. Except syntax, I get most of it, but when it gets into deep structure and surface structure, I can't handle it (I am really fucking good at drawing out the trees, though, and it looks really impressive).
This is me taking a break.

Sometimes I think about how people who write surveys need to end them better, because at the end, I always feel like I should conclude the whole post somehow, but I have no way of doing it if it's some shitty survey. I think I'm going to leave this window open and edit it as I'm studying, in case I need a break. I went and got coffee with Whitney in the middle of writing this, so now it's 9:54am, and I am going back to studying. But just before I do, I'll post this story. I gave Beth Grapefruit Moon as a writing prompt. I ended up liking it a lot, good old Beth, still taking my breath away even when she's on the brink of insanity! Her story:

Where I'd walk around, when I'm old, and it would feel like ruins. When I'd lie on the
end of the dock where the wood and water felt the same but the boat was gone.
Places at night that are silent. When I'm the only one who knows about my memories.
My feet in cold damp grass like a hundred years ago. And names that are lost.
That boulders might have disappeared. The same cedar trees smell the same.
How to recall the fabric of a favorite dead sweater. Dogs that bark like other dogs.
Songs who are dusty. And passing a house no one knows I lived in. Where I'd walk
without a friend I was with. A town asleep without lights. When I'd find a tree I climbed
and I'd see the branches I sat in. The books in the library all replaced. Landscapes cleared
of artifacts. Where I'd wait for ghosts, and none happen. Aspen leaves rattle the still same
hush. When I'd be winded on the same hill, when I'm old, walking
where nothing there can prove I ever was.

Que bonita, Beth! I love you.

Wow! It's 9:15pm now, this has been open since 8 this morning. I just finished my Linguistics final (piece of piss, btw, though I'm still getting Ds in all my classes) and I'm soooo done with studying for a while now. I was literally studing from 9pm last night until 7:30pm tonight. I had a few breaks here and there, but that's still like a fucking MILLION HOURS OF STUDYING. Most epic study binge I've ever had. I have never studied for anything that long in my life. And now I know I can stay up for fucking ever if I need to. I'm soooo not even tired.
I would like to just relax and do nothing for the rest of the night, but I have to keep my guard up because Beth keeps turning on sticky keys. I hate that!
10:15pm, Beth's making us listen to The Who and relax.
Sleep. Sometime.
Maybe. Later.
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