[Erik didn't receive a token. A great deal of his group didn't. But some...well some did. It's frustrating; he doesn't think that the tokens will ever actually let them leave this place. He has been proven right, though, that things here are more complicated when it comes to the missions.
Doesn't mean he is happy. In fact, he may have destroyed a
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Comments 172
We need to talk.
And I'm listening.
In person. I'm at the training hall.
Not everyone did.
We completed the task, just as we did last mission.
There is more to it than we are being told.
It wouldn't surprise me if there were unspoken rules this time, then. Or just a very annoying condition nobody fulfilled. Or...I don't know. I don't understand this place yet.
I just need to find the pattern. To root out the rule.
knew iit.
Did you.
And what exactly did you know?
[He doesn't believe anyone who thinks they knew beforehand.]
a game liike thii2 do you really thiink they'd have 2uch a 2iimple mean2 of leaviing.
"oh yeah ju2t wiin the2e token2 and we'll let you go"
ha ha no that'2 not how the2e thiing2 work.
1. they aren't goiing two giive them away that ea2iily.
2. iif you do get enough token2 they'll fiind a way two take them from you and/or iincrea2e the amount of token2 you need two leave.
or 2omethiing along tho2e liine2.
I have no idea what you just said.
[He picked up some of it, but Erik is from 1962. Chat speak is not his forte.]
im more curious if there is anyone who has received more than one token here
and to answer your question i didnt receive a token either for the most recent mission
People like us don't seem the type to sit idly by.
im not going to let anyone get an advantage over me by knowing more of the terrain than i do
i wonder if it IS a random thing, regarding the tokens, or if theres something else we should be doing to earn another
So far the only people who have gotten tokens are those who competed for the first time.
I appreciate the sentiment, but so far we aren't even sure if tokens are tied to one person or not.
[He quirks an eyebrow, genuinely curious.]
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