So it's a rare thing when I actually want to buy something instead of just staring at it longingly while convincing myself that said object is not crucial in my life.
It's a very rare thing when it's clothing instead of a sketchbook or comics (which are probably the two things I buy the most, next to food).
And it gets close to never when it's something decorative.
Yesterday there was a special design market here. Apparently September is design month in Brussels.
The market was 60s themed.
And OH MY GOD were there beautiful, beautiful things there. I even found an ultra-cheap, hyper-cool raincoat that I couldn't buy because it was too small.
And I got a carpet. This has to be one of the grooviest carpets around, man. The only way it could be groovier was if it has psychedelic flowers carved into it.
It looked clean to me, but my mom decided that the carpet needed a good washing out and, boy, was she right. The water she washed it in practically turned to mud.
Still, the carpet is awesome, and now also fluffy, clean, and less musty.
And I've been wandering Brussels taking photos of stuff, and I came across this store that seems to be the raver/goth/flaming-queer/stripper store of Brussels. The windows are half goth gear, half glittery whore heels, and some stuff in between. It's gotta be one of the fantastic things I've seen in my life.
Lou Romano a.k.a. Linguini from Ratatouille has an blog where he posts some of his art, which is awesome.
Also, he did this:
Man, even slow-voiced Pixar employees go LOL FURRIES.