Ahhh, talk about a bad situation made worse...
Everyone, be careful... but try not to panic too much! Or get into too much trouble.
[the sound of a sword being swung loosely through the air. A low "this isn't going to work as well here, is it...".]
Private to Rinoa and Nagi ;
You guys okay? I don't think these artifacts are going to be much help this time around.
Private to Aerith ;
You're safe, right? Inside? The air is really messed up... I'm going to see if I can find Cloud before he runs off on his own and disappears like usual. Don't want him getting stepped on or anything.
Private to Misha ;
Well! I guess you were bound to experience this at some point. Better sooner than later! You okay?
/end filters
-Cloud! Hey, don't run off without me!