Men's Room

Jun 05, 2012 02:45

I used the men's room today.  Didn't read the sign, thought the bathroom looked rather dingy.  Walked into a stall and had to put the seat down, that should have been my first clue.  Or maybe the butt battles between the two 'gals' sitting on the toilets.  I peed then quickly left my stall, and started washing my hands.  Checked myself out in the mirror, and decided I wanted a full length mirror.  I turn my head to look for the mirror area and notice a line of urinals.  Quickly realized I was in the men's bathroom and those were dudes letting it rip.  Said oh. my. god. outloud grabbed my clipboard and jetted out of there.  I'm so embarrassed, I KNOW those guys saw me through the crack off their stalls (I always peek to see who comes in, you know you do to.) and were probably so confused.   They heard me pee.  :(

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