Color tutorial feat. Candice Michelle

Aug 13, 2008 19:23

Credit isnt neccisary, but appreciated[=

01. Open up you're image, I'm using the one obove of the beautiful Candice Michelle. If needed, sharpen it, and brighten it up a abit first.

02. Duplicate you're base (Ctrl+J) and set it to Screen and adjust the opacity to suit you're image. I set mine at 30%.

03. Make a new fill layer, fill with #CBEBFF. Set to color burn at 100% opacity.

04. New Selective Coloring layer with these settings:
Reds: -71, -24, +17, +73
Cyans: +81, -36, -33, -26
Blues: -51, -35, +26, +8
Neutrals: +19, +17, +13, 0

05. New hue/saturation layer. Set Master Saturation to +10, and click OK.

06. New curves layer. Make you're settings like mine:
RGB: 156, 179. New point: 29, 47.
Red: 157, 167. New point: 61, 38.
Blue: 167, 174. New point: 55, 67.

07. New fill layer, with #E4902E. Set at Softlight - with 100% opacity.

08. New color balance layer. Settings like this:
Midtones: -48, -9, +8
Shadows: -8, -3, +8
Highlights: 0, +15, +36

09. New Selective Coloring layer.
Reds: +100, +16, 0, 0
Neutrals: +5, +1, -5, 0

10. Still with me? Good. =] Almost done! Make a new Channel Mixer layer. (Make sure Monochrome is UN-checked.)
Red: +88, +19, -17, +14
Green: 0, +110, -12, -3

11. Alrighty, last step! Duplicate you're base, and drag it to the top. Set it to Softlight at 30% opacity.

And you're done! Some steps may have to be minorly adjusted to suit different images. Comment and tell me what you think(=

Final product:

Other results:

tutorial, matt hardy, jeff hardy, cody rhodes, candice michelle

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