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Jun 29, 2006 11:03

What Criss Angel Stunt Are You?

You are Submerged:Criss was submerged for 24 hours in a water tank resembling Houdini's famous water torture cell. Criss performed Submerged as a tribute to Harry Houdini, but decided to push the envelope by taking it to a new extreme. He remained upside down for the first hour, then turned upright for the remaining time. The water surrounding him weighed over a ton. Criss was chained and handcuffed with real NYPD restraints weighing over ten pounds, which included chains, padlocks, handcuffs, and leg irons. The only air was provided through a small breathing tube.
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What Criss Angel song are you?

You are Rubber Room
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What member of the Criss Angel surreal family are you?

You are Ginger!
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Are You Obsessed With AJ Trauth?

You are obsessed with Criss Angel! (he belongs to da Ashley, though, dontcha know!)
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Who are you most like from Mindfreak?

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