they're not racist, they like white ladies.

Mar 23, 2010 13:03

join skins_bamfs
Alright, so being that I'm a skint university student, I need cheap, but quality entertainment. Luckily for me, my campus has hooked me up with a decent interweb connection and thus I can enjoy...

join skins_bamfs

Seriously, man, this lot bring the LULZ hardcore. I don't actually actively engage in the community - more of a lurker - but I seriously FLOVE it. Some good quality entertainment. FOR FREE.

Much love to that comm, SRSLY. They make my days so much brighter. Any fan of Skins should definitely head over and join right now. If you AREN'T a fan of Skins, well... WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG YOU?!

join skins_bamfs


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