Dec 13, 2006 23:33
I started drawing a dress for myself and ended up creating a whole Spring collection. :P There are just few slight problems; I can't really draw, and I can't make clothes. I think I've mentioned how much I suck at making/creating things with my small bare hands, and sewing makes no exception. I always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer (or an actress, or a model, or a writer) when I was a kid and filled my notebooks with sketches. My biggest creations were collections for myself and my mother. Both collections included stuff like sports wear, evening wear, wedding dress... You know, all sorts of things that a 10-year old girl would imagine someone needing in her life. I loved making dresses for my Barbie dolls because I quickly realized I wasn't very good at making anything more complicated. Oh well, once I grow up I'll get better at sewing and stuff, I figured. That never happened. I mean the sewing part. I did grow up, kinda.
So anyway, I still sometimes makes sketches (which still look equally as crappy as they did ten years ago - I wonder why I wasn't blessed with any drawing skills even though both of my parents are great at that?) and wish I could actually make the clothes that I so clearly can imagine in my head. But really, isn't that how it's always like? I have this clear and amazing vision of something, a movie, a book, a photograph... And never can make it happen. But maybe, if I would, I'd be fucking great at it. It'd be awesome. I'd become something, even in my own little world.
Ha. Dreams are just that; fun to have but too much of hassle to make them happen. And then there's that small issue of the possibility of failure. Yeah, that'd kind of ruin the "fun".
Btw, this was not meant to sound whiny and depressed. ;) I'm feeling okay and was just pondering.