
Jan 13, 2009 14:11

The Exiles who agreed to depart the relative comfort of the King and Queen's holdings have endured a several days-long hard ride with a contingent of the royal guard. The journey has been punctuated by bad weather, the hardships of sleeping under the open skies, and the ever-present stink of horse, man, earth, and pack mule. The Royal Guard have ( Read more... )

northstar, morph, the brides' tale, marie lebeau, hawkeye

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proteus_maximus January 14 2009, 01:22:09 UTC
".. I'd almost say this world resembles Gor, but the ladies' fashions seem to be pretty discreet. Lord of the Rings, a little.."


touchandheal January 14 2009, 04:50:12 UTC
Marie saddles her horse with an expert hand, checking straps and buckles to make certain that they are cinched comfortably.

"Don't know where this Gor is, but I have to say that while it might be discreet, it certainly ain't comfortable."

Back at court she had been offered what she was told was 'proper clothing for a woman'.

"Little too uncomfortable for ridin', at least." After failing to contain her laughter, Marie had directed them to just clean what she had.


legendaryextras January 16 2009, 01:16:49 UTC
The grizzled Captain is making his way amongst his men, supervising the breakdown. He's something of an imposing figure, a man who rarely smiles but even more rarely forgets his duty. "Christ's teeth, we don't have all damned day!"


exiles_jpb January 20 2009, 05:34:04 UTC
The werewolf has been scouting the area since before sunup and is, if anything, more impatient than the captain to be moving. He dislikes the noise and the slug's pace so many men set. He's retreated to the silence and sharper senses of his wolf form for the moment, but keeps an ear open.


touchandheal January 20 2009, 05:42:39 UTC
Marie gets up on her horse, leaning over to give it a quick scratch on the neck.

"All ready here, Captain."

She'd still feel more comfortable with her guns.


legendaryextras January 20 2009, 05:49:15 UTC
The older man grunts acknowledgement, sparing but a little look of veiled distrust for the strange wolf that keeps its distance. With a few more hollered commands, the small brigade forms up, and moves back onto the well-traveled road - which is not so much a road as wide tracks worn into existence by carts, hooves and booted feet over hundreds of years.

The terrain turns slowly to woodland, the troupe alternating between cantering, walking and trotting each mile to better spare their horses. The tree growth becomes thicker around them, the undergrowth denser.


proteus_maximus January 20 2009, 18:49:02 UTC
"I feel like I'm at an Entmoot, and they're giving me the silent treatment."

Morph glances from side to side, looking at the trees surrounding the path.


legendaryextras January 20 2009, 23:09:24 UTC
Bird calls echo around the troupe, merely adding to the mildly unwelcoming effect.

Minutes pass, and then several figures melt into existence from amongst the tree line, seeking to block the road. The Captain calls a halt, and hands reach automatically for weapons before there's a holler from someone who seems to be their leader up front; a tall man with a shock of dirty blond hair wearing an earth-toned tunic and pants that have seen better days, and a quiver of arrows with purple dyed fletchings strapped across his shoulders.


exiles_jpb January 22 2009, 06:16:06 UTC
Race growls quietly to himself and hides among the trees, keeping low to the ground as he slinks closer. He doesn't need to close the distance to hear what's being said, but the shorter the leap, the surer the strike.


touchandheal January 22 2009, 06:58:31 UTC
Marie settles her horse as it dances back on its hooves. Clicking her tongue against her teeth, she pulls on the reins and moves closer to the front, to get a better view of who the visitors might be.


avengingarrows January 22 2009, 07:14:27 UTC
There's a longbow held loosely in one hand, as he steps closer, and exchanges words with the Captain, who hands him a wax-sealed document. The parchment is opened, the words scanned. He then steps forward, an assessing gaze leveled at the three unusual guests that accompany the more disciplined troops.

"The Queen said there's four of you. Did you lose one?"


proteus_maximus January 23 2009, 02:37:01 UTC
"Our four-legged friend is the last. Robin Hood, I presume?"


avengingarrows January 23 2009, 03:18:10 UTC
The parchment is folded and tucked into a scrip on his belt. "If that's supposed to be a joke, I ain't laughin'. Tell your other friend to come out here where we can see him or one of my men might end up putting a broadhead through his throat. Can't be too careful around here, you get my drift?"


touchandheal January 23 2009, 05:26:25 UTC
Another click against her teeth and the horse moves a little further forward.

"And maybe he doesn't feel comfortable comin' out on a road fulla armed men."


avengingarrows January 23 2009, 05:39:30 UTC
"Then he's in for a lot of hidin', because people around here don't go anywhere without a weapon." He cants his head at her. "I need to know my assets," he replies evenly. "I can't be dealin' with unknowns. These guys know what they're doing. They live for war. They're armed to the damned teeth, and I have to know what I've got. I know my men. I don't know you, and if you want your friend back alive, you're just going to have to trust me."


touchandheal January 26 2009, 04:04:21 UTC
"'S gonna have to be up to him then. Sorry." She shrugs and dismounts, brushing her hands off on the sides of her jacket.

"But I'm Marie, Marie LeBeau. Are we here ta help you, or someone else?"


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