(no subject)

Aug 26, 2008 18:14

Title: Love Lies Bleeding.
Rating(s): Hard R.
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto.
Warning(s): Explicit violence, character death, bad language, angst galore, murder (they tried to make go to rehab ... ), mild Ianto bashing. I can't help myself. There be no happy ending in dis hear fic-shee-on.
Summary: A non-fluffy Janto short fic, surprise, surprise.
Disclaimer: I am a sick, sick puppy and that's okay. My mama loves me. Don't own them, just play with them. RTD and the Beeb own Jack & Ianto. No actual Iantos were harmed in the making of this fanfiction, so fear not my little Janto shippers.

Cross-Posted: jackxianto, torch_wood, torchwood_fic.

= = =

Jack tried to tell himself that he hadn't meant it.

Many times he told himself that he hadn't really forced his young lover to stand against the glass inside his office before pulling the trigger. All those beautiful brains that he had picked on occasion about coffee, alien technology and how he kept the archives in such condition were now spread across the glass and even across his baby blue button down. He had listened to the young man beg and plead for his life, swearing to never make the same mistake again, that he'd never lie to Jack again. Jack stood there, pointing his trusty pistol at his head and listened to those beautiful Welsh vows begging, pleading and sobbing. But it was as the old adage once said. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you.

Jack tried to fool himself into thinking he didn't have to do it.

Maybe a reprimand, some retcon and shipping the young man back to London would've solved the problem just as well, but look at how well the retcon had worked on Gwen. As Jack stood there, still holding his gun and looking at the slumped and bloody body of his young lover, with the perfect round hole in his forehead, he wondered when the madness had set in. Not his own, of course, but for the other man. When he had started plotting the decision to take down Torchwood Three and reinstate the old ways of Torchwood One. Jack had found it by accident really, as he seemed to find out everything. He couldn't take the same chances he had after letting the young man go after the cyberwoman in the basement.

Jack tried to convince himself that it was for the best.

Perhaps things could've been different and should've been if he hadn't followed his heart - Be honest with yourself, Jack, your dick. - in letting the young man off with a warning after Lisa. He should've sent him away without another thought. After Gwen, he'd become some sort of bleeding heart and taking in all the strays with the doe eyes and the pouty lips. Jack stood in his office and sighed. What was his life coming too? He dropped the gun to his side, looking at the mess on the glass. He pulled his full lower lip between hit teeth and made a tsk sound. What a mess. He again looked down at the young man's body, blue eyes still open wide and Jack walked over to him. He hunched down in front of him, stroking that flushed, beautiful cheek and looked into those eyes before using two fingers to close them. And in that moment, he realised one thing. He had meant it.

He pressed brought his fingers to his own lips before resting them on the young mans. "It was for the best."

fiction: slash, characters: jack harkness, fiction: general, fandom: torchwood, characters: ianto jones, pairings: janto

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