The Color Of Her Panties

Jan 13, 2007 21:34

Location: Weyrling Clearing
Time: Afternoon on Day 20, Month 1, Turn 3
Players: D'rian, K'tric, J'lor, Lili, Taikath, Kasvatuth
Scene: A dare fulfilled leads to unexpected complications.

It's the day after the Incident. D'rian, either by virtue of being too busy or too gentlemanly, hasn't produced the panties he'd promised K'tric. But now, during a break in the days training, the bronze weyrling is settled on the edge of his cot with Taikath at his feet. Busy digging under his cot, D'rian sits upright only after retrieving the panties he'd stashed there the night before. With a look at K'tric that is entirely smug, he balls them up and pitches them across the barracks toward the greenrider.

K'tric is staring raptly at Kasvatuth. Kasvatuth is staring rapidly at K'tric. The panties hit him upside the head and he blinks, taking several seconds to digest what just happened, even while Kasvatuth is turning to look at D'rian and Taikath. K'tric reaches for what hit him and straightens them out, holding them up to see just what they are. Then, he blinks, he looks at D'rian--back to the underwear, and finally he drops them unceremoniously on his bed, where Kasvatuth turns to make her own inspection of them, curiously.

The Weyrlingmaster (or what the island has that passes for one) chooses this moment to drift into the weyrling clearing, bare feet squishing against the damp ground. J'lor's hands are in his pockets as he glances around at those weyrlings still by their cots. "Come on, now!" he calls out, warm and chipper. "Chores time. You're all on the roster. Hop to!"

"Told you-" D'rian abruptly silences and stiffens when Taikath's attention switches from Kasvatuth to the door and the bluerider standing there. D'rian's eyes switch quickly to K'tric, giving the greenrider what can only be considered a look of warning. Taikath, meanwhile, looks back at Kasvatuth, unconcerned by J'lor's presence. Sliding on his belly toward the green, he stretches out his neck to sniff at the panties. Now doing his best to ignore it, D'rian stands to greet the weyrlingmaster.

K'tric is at least generally a hard worker, so at J'lor's call he's already getting to his feet to shuffle on out. Kasvatuth, though, lingers, still mulling over D'rian's little present to her. Finally, though, when K'tric glances back to give her an expectant look, she turns to trot after him--bringing her gift along with her to keep it out of Taikath's way (D'rian /gave/ them to her, after all!). The panties are looped dashingly over the end of her nose. K'tric just stares, and turns to slink on out past J'lor without a word, because ignoring this will make it go away.

It is a noble plan of K'tric's, this ignoring. Alas, it is plan that utterly fails, as of all the things J'lor could be noticing about the dreary day, what he -has- noticed is the bit of cloth dangling from a certain green's proboscis. "Aahh..." one dark eyebrow lifts dramatically upwards, "K'tric?" A few of the other weyrlings glance over. Some are smart enough to finish their own preparations and flee. A couple slow down so they can watch what will befall the greenrider now. Two are snickering.

D'rian is among those who stay, mostly because he's glaring silently at Taikath who proceeds to trot after Kasvatuth, crooning softly to announce his desire to play with the thing Kasvatuth has draped over her nose. He looks to J'lor when the bluerider calls out to K'tric, and then to the greenrider as he comes to a stop just beside his dragon. Ever curious and not one to be derailed, Taikath stretches his neck out to its fullest length and whuffs twice at Kasvatuth. Share?

"J'lor?" counters K'tric at his most innocent, as he stops and turns to look at the bluerider and offer his biggest smile. Kasvatuth stops, too, bumping her panty-clad nose against the back of K'tric's knees. That smile never falters, even when Kasvatuth moves to skitter away from Taikath, possessive of her new gift.

"What are..." One hand moves from the bluerider's pocket to run over the back of his head, smoothing hair already smooth and pulled back. "Are you..." he heaves a slow sigh. "You know the rules, K'tric."

"Am I what?" K'tric asks, still innocent, while Kasvatuth turns to trot proudly around the clearing behind him, the underwear jiggled tauntingly at Taikath.

Instead of answering directly, J'lor attempts another question. "Where did Kasvatuth get...those?"

Taikath will not put up with this! The bronze strikes out from near D'rian's side; his steps start slow and cautious, but as his eagerness gets the better of him, he goes full speed ahead to trail in the greens wake. As for D'rian? Well, he just keeps his mouth shut and keeps watching.

Kasvatuth squeals as Taikath takes off after her, and getting a firmer grip on her prize, the green half his size flees, too, running in large circles around the room. It's a good thing most of the weyrlings cleared out. K'tric still stands before J'lor, brows arching. "Oh, those, sir? On the floor, I think," he answers, with an eager nod.

Kasvatuth> Taikath makes a rare, first-appearance. << Kasvatuth, you should share! >>

Kasvatuth> To Taikath: Kasvatuth, her mind girlishly pink, retorts, << You should come take them! You can't catch /me/! >>

"Mmm..." mumbles the Weyrlingmaster, unconvinced. He looks around the bunks to see if any are untidy enough that they might leak undergarments. "The girls are usually very good about keeping their cots tidy," he muses quietly. "Are you quite certain you found them 'on the floor'?"

D'rian remains silent, but keeps watching K'tric as though he were waiting for the greenrider to spill. Taikath still chases Kasvatuth, though the green keeps her lead on him without much difficulty. His size and general ground-borne awkwardness hinder more then help.

Kasvatuth, one very unfortunate girl's underwear still hung on her muzzle, keeps fleeing Taikath around the barracks, just fast enough he can't quite catch up, while J'lor corners her rider. K'tric follows J'lor's glance around to the girls' cots, biting his lower lip. He hesitates. "/Kas/ found them there," he finally answers, hedgingly.

"Are you suggesting then that -Kas- found them on the ground or that she went rooting through some poor weyrling's private possessions?" Another arched brow and once again J'lor looks over the tidy and uninterrupted bunks.

Lili is most certainly not late back from lunch, and that's most certainly not why she's jogging her way back, looking flustered as she finally reaches the lean-to! Perhaps her tardy arrival is a blessing of sorts, given the volume with which she voices her excuses, interrupting. "Sorry, Mister J'lor, I was just, ah, having lunch with my dad, and then talking with Islay about po-at-ree, and then I almost fell in one of Zoma's holes, and Em's gone digging somewhere, and... I'm late and sorry. Mostly sorry. But also late. Sorry!" The little greenrider darts over to her cot, blissfully unaware of the panty predicament currently in progress.

K'tric says, "She... found them," K'tric repeats, frowning. He looks at the cots again. Pause. "I dropped them there," he finally admits, just before Lili arrives. The other greenrider earns a small smile from him for her explanation, and he says nothing more. Maybe if he stands there and looks unobtrusive, J'lor will get on to Lili instead."

It is nose-bridge pinching time. The gesture happens more often, now. Ever since Nenuith's eggs hatched, really, not a day goes by that J'lor hasn't encountered some sort of weyrling mishap that had made him pause, close his eyes and...yep, there he goes. The weyrlingmaster sighs heavily. "And -before- you dropped them where did you--" But then Lili arrives with her cheer and her apologies and he must look up and over at her. "It's all right, Lili. Just get settled, make sure Emieth isn't up to mischief, and go find what chores you've been assigned on the roster." And then his eyes move back to K'tric.

At Lili's entrance, D'rian's gaze snaps toward her. It narrows briefly, but in the long run it's K'tric who holds his attention and a little wariness at the greenrider's quasi-explanation. Though he could easily enough end the confrontation, he doesn't. Nor does Taikath stop trying to chase down Kasvatuth, even after falling and knocking his chin against the ground.

Long pause. K'tric licks his lips. Kasvatuth continues fleeing Taikath, though, kindly, she pauses when he falls and croons tenderly back before she's off again, trotting along, panties in tow. K'tric says, "I took them. From Tevaga." He names D'rian's girl. "From her cot," he continues after another pause, offering again that oblivious smile. "Last night after she went to sleep. Because I love her." Pause. "She loves me, too. I was going to leave her mine in exchange, but then I got so excited I just--forgot." He nods quickly, eager, as he gives J'lor his most earnest look.

At her cot, Lili's frantically trying to straighten this and neaten that, starting with her sheet and pillow and concluding with her tunic and hair - pointless really, considering she answers the weyrlingmaster with a quick, "I think it's fishing, I just have to change quickly!" She'd go on, but a pair of frolicking dragonets catch her eye as one takes a tumble - Taikath earns himself an odd look from the greenrider. As does Kasvatuth, once she establishes just whom the bronze is chasing. "What's that on her nose?" Lili wonders aloud, turning her head to seek out K'tric. Who is being interrogated by J'lor, by the looks of things. She frowns as she catches her fellow greenrider's response, and though her jaw drops open, she says nothing. Just tosses a pointed look D'rian's way, eyes widening as if to say, 'Are you /gonna/ speak up?'

The weyrlingmaster must be doing something in his head. Counting, maybe, or repeating some kind of mantra. He breathes in deeply through his nose, slowly out his mouth. "K'tric. Sex is forbidden to weyrlings right now. You know that." Bashful, J'lor is not.

D'rian is so not going to say anything. There's a soft choking noise from his direction when K'tric admits his guilt, and in turning his head to hide the fact that he's /choking/, he catches Lili's look. His head shakes slightly, enough to confirm that he's not about to say anything. One finger slides up to tell Lili she'd best do the same: the universal 'shh' sign is given.

"I haven't had sex," K'tric says matter-of-factly, shaking his head fervently. "I just took her underwear. It's okay, really." Nodnod.

Lili's not bashful either, slipping her tunic deftly over her head to change for her afternoon chores. Her pointed look deepens into more of a glare, eyes widening further as D'rian directs her to keep quiet. Her arms still caught in the tunic, she fakes a cough to try and prompt the bronzerider into action.

D'rian's finger slips away from his lips as he shakes his head, denying Lili her request. He finally looks away from the greenrider too, and back toward K'tric. Still, nothing; mum is the word.

"You..." J'lor seems oblivious to the sudden rash of choking and coughing happening behind him. "You just took..." He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "And then you balled them up and dropped them on the floor. All right. Enough. The next seven, half of your evening free hours are spent pressing oil for the hatchlings." This consists of squashing down fish and scraping their pungent ooze into a bucket. Now J'lor turns, twisting so his study is off of K'tric and onto the quiet bronzeling. "Clear, D'rian?"

"Okay," says K'tric, not particularly bothered." When J'lor looks over at D'rian, K'tric follows his gaze that way, frowning. "She still loves me," he adds, rather desperate and insistent.

"Why?" D'rian inquires of J'lor's statement, "I wasn't the one who went and poached some girls panties." Focused on J'lor, D'rian doesn't notice K'tric's look.

Lili slips her arms out of her tunic, and bends down to swap it for a less tidy-looking one retrieved from under her cot - she's shaking her head disgustedly as she does so, with more vigour as she listens to K'tric's punishment. Half-naked, she sends another thin-lipped glare to D'rian, then slips into her older tunic. "Psh," is all she's got to say.

"Because," J'lor says simply, "one of the reasons weyrlings are forbidden sexual activities is that dragons, at this age," his dark eyes dart towards Taikath and then back to his rider, "cannot manage to keep their little minds shut." He turns away from D'rian and the other weyrlings, and begins moving towards the clearing's exit. He calls over his shoulder, "And make that two sevens."

K'tric looks guilty as J'lor comes down on D'rian, glancing down at his feet. Kasvatuth even stops running, still panty-clad, to listen in, watching intently.

D'rian knows enough to keep his mouth shut. Even if he looks mighty annoyed, he knows better than to say anything. It does not, however, stop him from glaring at K'tric. Taikath, oblivious to the interaction between his rider and the weyrlingmaster, comes to a stop just beside Kasvatuth before looking back to D'rian who is /still/ glaring at K'tric.

"Lucky Mister J'lor is up to speed," Lili comments in a very smug little voice to no-one in particular as she bends again to find a tie for her hair.

Not until J'lor leaves does K'tric look up again and speak. "I'll do it," he tells D'rian. "I don't mind. When he's not watching I can do it."

"Next time," D'rian says in a low tone to Lili, "I'm gonna let you drown." He turns his back to his fellow weyrlings and moves toward his cot before laying down atop it and drawing a forearm over his eyes. "You could've tried to at least make it believable," He says to K'tric, not bothering to look at him.

"K'tric!" Lili scolds, popping up again with another frown in place. So many frowns from the cheery little greenrider today! "Don't be silly! It's his fault, he broke the rules," she asserts quite forcefully, wrestling to wrap the ribbon she's produced tightly enough around the lengths of her hair to hold them back. Her dark blue eyes dart over to D'rian. "There won't /be/ a next time, so /there/."

K'tric just looks at D'rian, kicked-puppy, and turns to head out, without even heeding Lili. Kasvatuth lingers and finally drops the panties to stare at D'rian and Taikath both.

D'rian doesn't bother to respond to Lili - threatening the greenrider might prove more troublesome then not. As for K'tric? With the arm over his eyes, he can't see the look or that the greenrider leaves. And Taikath, distracted now that those panties have been dropped, turns to cautiously nose them.

Lili's jaw drops open as K'tric not only looks hurt, and ignores her, but /leaves/. There's fire in those dark eyes of hers as she glares at the bronzerider again, leaving her hair to tumble as she jams her hands on her hips. "That was /so/. Mean. You should be ashamed of yourself, D'rian, he's only ever been nice to you." Her tunic unbelted and hair untied, the little blonde starts after poor K'tric, calling out as she goes. "K'tric, wait up! K'tric!"

K'tric doesn't exactly wait up on Lili, but he walks slowly and purposefully beachwards, at a pace that should be easy for Lili to catch up to.

Lili jogs her way after her fellow greenrider, lurching forward to try and grab his sleeve once she's close enough. "Hey, hold up a sec, wouldja? Are you ok?" No longer all glares and disgust, she's now kind and concerned. Her brows are set high, and she strains her neck to try and get a look at K'tric's face.

"I'm fine," K'tric tells Lili, frowning. "I'm okay. Just going--going." A vague gesture to the beach and the ocean, the thought half-unfinished.

"Are you really?" Lili presses, drawing her hand back to her chest at the other greenrider's response. "D'you want some company, or... I can just get out of your hair, if you want. I can go finish chewing out D'rian or something." Rather than do her chores, see. "I'm sorry he was so mean, K'tric. You don't deserve that." She shoots a quick look over her shoulder to try and gauge what said mean bronzerider is up to.

"It's okay," K'tric answers, relaxing slightly the further he gets from D'rian. "I'm okay. Really. I don't mind you, though. I'm... kind of used to it, really. People being like that. Especially him--he's always like that." A shrug. "You wanna go swimming, or something?"

Lili's got a smile on as she looks back to K'tric, skipping for a few steps to catch up again - searching for D'rian for that brief moment left her straggling. "He's an idiot. You shouldn't have tried to take the blame for him, I reckon. You're too nice." She shakes a finger, her scolding a little more playful this time around. "Yeah, a swim sounds good! And we can just say we're training extra, if we get caught not doing chores."

Shrugging off Lili's chiding, K'tric turns toward the water. "I'll race you in," he tells her, largely for distraction purposes.

Lili dodges this hole and that, almost slips into another but changes her footing at the last minute. "Come on, you're not even trying!" She calls back, taking a flying leap over yet another hole, this one filled with water from the lapping tide. As the first of the waves slap at her toes, her arms rise victoriously... only to pull back down to her chest quite abruptly. "Ooo-ooh! Water's cold!"

K'tric manages to get to the water without falling in a hole, at least, though he's still a couple of seconds behind Lili when he pulls up short behind her. "It is not," he protests. "It's always warm here." And, to prove this point, he starts to strip down, then step into the water, indeed not looking too bothered by it. "See!" he tells Lili from a couple of feet out. "It's not bad at all."

Lili gingerly reaches her arms down to lift her trouser legs, saving them from the wash. She shakes her head, and affects a shiver - a little bit of an exaggeration, really. "Nuh-uh, it's cold! Oooh! How do you just get straight in like that?"

"I'm used to the Reaches, I guess," says K'tric, shrugging and heading further out. "Come on, it's really not bad, trust me." He watches her feign shivering, and just shakes his head.

taikath, lili, d'rian, k'tric, kasvatuth

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