Ghetto Weyrlings

Nov 12, 2006 19:38

Location: Hatchling Island and Main Exile Island
Time: Dawn on Day 7, Month 10, Turn 2
Players: J'lor, D'rian, P'dian, Shanti, L'vok, L'mon, K'tric, Gananye, Vellath, Taikath, Rodhaketh, Toth, Benreth, Manierath, Kasvatuth, Falanth
Scene: The morning after the hatching, the weyrlings are relocated to the main island.

It's early morning the day after the hatching, and the sun is barely up. Hatchlings are up or waking, hunger and consciousness alerting the impromptu weyrlingmaster that he'd better get his butt out of bed and over to the hatching island pronto. Vellath sends out a general wake-up call to the other riders. Time to rouse, grab some of the other islanders, and begin bringing over the rafts that will get the hatchlings back home. Oh, and fish. Fish would be good to bring as well. Hungry hatchlings. It takes an island, they say, and that is only -one- child. The exiles now have thirty three.

K'tric is, predictably, already up and about despite the hour, as is his Kasvatuth, though the latter looks still a bit sleepy as she sits and watches K'tric. He's gotten fish now for her, offering breakfast--he's already chattering away at the green, whose head is perpetually cocked to the side as she listens, and eats distractedly. K'tric seems to be explaining more now about fish in general, complete with show-and-tell with the fish he's feeding her.

Taikath is one of those hungry hatchlings, though the only indication is the whirling red of his eyes as he sits beside D'rian's shoulder. The young man takes his time with soothing the hatchling, even if the hatchling doesn't look particularly upset. Settled in a crouch, D'rian eyes the exit of their makeshift shelter before saying, "Someone will come soon."

Vellath lands, J'lor climbing down from his neck and already making apologies. "Sorry, sorry, we're here now, don't push..." young riders with hungry and creeling hatchlings begin to move towards the blue, mostly because of the net of fish that's been tied to his side. This is hauled down and dropped, with louder instructions shouted over creeling and clamoring. "Weyrlings -only- take from the pile! I don't want to see any hatchling heads sneaking--G'den! Watch your Pyrgeth!" The chastised boy stares down at his sneaking green who immediately shies back. "Gut and debone before you feed!"

Gananye is still asleep, with Falanth curled up into her body. The sand is soft enough for right now. How she can sleep through the racket is beyond comprehension. Falanth's tail, however, starts to twitch.

Fiiiiish. P'dian and Rodhaketh are awake. Have been. Talking. So many questions and answers to give and receive. The presence of fish has the young bronze's eyes whirling in golden excitement, and the bronze surges forward. The command from J'lor, however, has P'dian scrambling up and skittering in front of the bronze. "Ah ah! Remember what he said." Padi pats the bronze's defiant cheek and trots over, waiting behind a group of hasty weyrlings before selecting a few choice fish. These will be a good start. "J'lor, did you and Vellath fish these up?"

D'rian's hand slips from Taikath's side as the young man makes a quick b-line for the recently dumped net. He picks from the side, scooping choice bits into his arms with a nod up to J'lor in thanks. Silent, as always, he moves back to Taikath's side and promptly begins feeding the bronze his breakfast.

L'vok is blinking some, awake, and stroking his lifemate's neck as he sighs a little and smiles. When he here's the approach of a dragon, he turns and sees J'lor and moves some to get some fish and such. "Thank you J'lor," is his comment after hearing another ask if he was the one who fished them up. Benreth stirs some and move and then *plop* he trips and falls on his rear, causing L'vok to turn and check on him.

Falanth discreetly opens one eye, though she hasn't moved yet beyond her tail. Hm. Fish or snuggle. Fish or snuggle. Gananye doesn't seem to be moving at the moment, and so she discreetly stretches. One forelimb out, two out, and then she's skirting the edges of the fish net, investigating.

"Vellath and I? No, we sent four of the riders out yesterday after the hatching to haul in another catch for today. These are from then. Good morning, P'dian." The quiet D'rian is giving a small and solemn nod in return, and then L'vok is offered a soft, "You're welcome." His voice lifting he calls, "Gananye! Up!" Then his attention returns to the emptying net. The newcomers are torn between looking relieved that food has come and annoyed that they're dependent on their kidnappers. The little redheaded bluerider remains quiet as he cuts his fish apart and offers it, bit by bit, to his hatchling. Voice raising again, J'lor says, "Rafts are coming shortly. Once they're fed and oiled, we'll get you mack to the mainland. Do not let them fall asleep until we arrive at the barracks."

Gananye starts awake so abruptly that Falanth's eyes shade abruptly red and she hisses in displeasure at J'lor. Hey, that's /her/ girl you're ordering around, Mr. Bossy! Nye automatically reaches out for Falanth and then has to scrabble along the sand to get her. "Shh, no, no. I was sleeping is all." Her lip curls up slightly as she looks up at J'lor. "Fish? All the sheep gone?"

D'rian accepts J'lor's caution with another nod in the bluerider's direction, but with a task set before him, he commits himself to it and continues feeding Taikath the bits o' fish from his armload of such. Taikath starts a soft thrum with each renewed handful of fish, occasionally even lapping the gore left over on his weyrling's hands. Unlike his weyrling, however, Taikath is not studying those still rousing and those feeding their dragons.

Once he makes sure he has enough fish, L'vok goes back to check on Benreth with a small smile on his lips as he sees the brown is okay. He starts gutting and cutting up the fish, feeding it to the brown. A pause then as one of the newcomers addresses him and L'vok turns and smiles slowly. One of the few he has talked to before and he helps some showing how to gut and debone properly as he feeds his brown, promising more lessons. As Gananye speaks, he snorts softly, "Well, doesn't matter what they eat does it as long as they eat?"

"Gotta save d'sheep." Padi offers sensibly as he holds a fish tail between his teeth, gutting and removing the bigger, indigestible bones from a fine fish and flicks it up in the air as soon as he's done. The bronze is waiting, long maw flipping open and slurping at the fish, crunching through the scales and crooning pleasurably. Yea, fish! He likes this new food. Sheep is good and all, but.. man. Fish! Padi pulls the next into his grasp and, with his short knife, goes to the task with gusto. "Where are they going to sleep once we get there, J'lor?"

K'tric and Kasvatuth are quiet, their heads pressed together as K'tric slices up the fish, slow and meticulous like the healer he was. Kasvatuth looks as fascinated as her rider as he sections off the fish, showing the innards to the green before offering each piece to her. K'tric, even moreso than Kasvatuth, is intent on the task, paying no mind to those around them, while the young dragon glances around every once in a while.

Gananye snaps to L'vok, "She doesn't like fish." Never mind that sheep was all Falanth was fed last night after she hatched. The green, for her part, has taken a fish and is experimentally shredding it with this light-colored claws of hers. She doesn't seem too reticent. Nye fumes quietly before reaching in to debone the friggin' thing.

It's not that long before the little net, once so full, is totally empty. Vellath is surveying the weyrlings and babies carefully, and then the hissing Falanth gets a low nd rumbly warning. J'lor is bossy cuz he's the -boss-, little miss! The bluerider settles a hand on his dragon's flank without even looking at him. "Not helping, Vellath," he mutters quietly. Then, at a normal level to Gananye, "Sheep is fattier meat. They need to get some of that daily so we're spacing the sheep out to one meal a day for as long as they'll last. Probably today, possibly tomorrow, and that should be the end of them." Then, to P'dian, "We have a barracks of sorts. Or, at least, we have a roof with beds underneath it. In weather this warm and dry, little more is necessary, anyhow."

D'rian reaches the end of his armload o' fish and holds his hands out for Taikath to lick clean. The young man winces slightly in distaste, and eyes his goo-covered fingers with a soft curl of his lip. A croon from Taikath prompts D'rian to shake his head, "I'll wash them later," He says quietly before looking to J'lor. There's a moment of discomfort as he looks to Taikath before he asks, "What then? When they're gone... what then?"

Falanth jerks back as Vellath rumbles his warning. Then, experimentally, she rumbles back at the blue. It's a sad echo, but at least she's got the timbre right. Pleased with herself, she does it again. And again. Even as Nye stuffs fish in the corners of her mouth.

Vellath> Falanth projects, Oh! I /like/ that noise. It's very impressive. And it will get bigger to be like yours.

"You should have saved some, and started breeding them. Like the goats," K'tric offers--he's not, then, totally oblivious, though Kasvatuth is first to draw his attention away. The little green is eyeing Rodhaketh, while K'tric, after vainly waving a piece of fish in front of her nose, glances around to J'lor. "It would take a while, but." A shrug.

L'vok nods slowly as he slowly feeds more fish to Benreth, as he listens to the conversations. "Well, once the sheep do be gone, can someone get some of the small critters around the area? or are there a few goats?"" He shrugs then and peers at K'tric and shrugs again.

P'dian flips another de-innerd'd fish into the air and Rodhaketh takes a moment before snapping toward it, his own visage pointed toward the green at K'tric's side. L'vok is given an interested stare by the boy. "Hoppers! We can round some of those up, can't we? There's gotta be at least a whole warren full of 'em, and you know how hard those things are to kill off. One goes away, and at least a score more appear."

"It was discussed," J'lor notes to K'tric, "but it seemed that the idea of stealing live and shrieking sheep, let alone taking them between, let alone building a pen for them and working their care into the schedule was too much. Beside which, they only breed in the spring and on the mainland that's nearly six months from now at the earliest. So. We'd have the same problem." And then to D'rian, "Then we fish from the areas where the fish are known to be fattier and we occasionally slaughter a goat or two to supplement. We do as we've ever done, D'rian. We improvise." A half-smile suggests that the bluerider isn't worried. Not at all. "And there are rabbits..." A -lot- of rabbits, actually. A nod to P'dian.

Vellath stares, long and hard, at the little growly thing. Then he lowers his head and, regardless of his rider's warning, nudging the hatchling firmly. Bump.

Vellath> Vellath projects to Falanth, It will get bigger. So will you. For now, that was very rude. Eat your fish.

"You mean rabbits?" says K'tric, blinking around at P'dian. "Because I've caught a lot of them already--some of them died, unfortunately, but in the name of science. I could keep them alive if we needed them; there are still some at Derek's cave that are doing quite well. You should go look at them!" This, to J'lor, as Kasvatuth continues watching Rodhaketh. She seems to be done eating; K'tric doesn't offer her more food now, settling that stare of his on the makeshift weyrlingmaster of the islands.

D'rian, looking mildly reproached at having even asked J'lor in the first place, nods to accept the bluerider's statement. With the feeding finished, Taikath settles against D'rian's knee with a low rumble. He watches Vellath nudge Falanth then turns his attention to J'lor. Watching. Much like D'rian.

Gananye wipes fish slime over her thoroughly grubby robe, nodding to J'lor. "There's a lot more to think about than just getting past hatching day. I didn't realize..." She trails off and continues to poke fish into the corners of Falanth's mouth. And then Vellath bumps her and her whole hand goes in. "Hey! You!" She glares up at Vellath. "She's just a baby. And she was impressed by you - no pun intended. So a little /tolerance/ would be appreciated." Hazel eyes flash over to J'lor for a moment, gauging his reaction.

Vellath> Falanth does sound a trifle contrite. I did not mean to be rude. I thought you were here to teach. That's what Gananye said.

P'dian finishes the final fish and tosses it up in the air. This, too, does the bronze pluck out of the air. Though he pauses with the tail dangling out the side of his mouth and looks at Kasvatuth again. Conversation. "Yea, rabbits! We can catch a lot of those." The drama betwixt Falanth and Vellath steals the boy's attention and his demeanor softens. "Oh, give 'im a break, Gan. It's been a long time since he saw little ones. And she's got an impressive growl started, too! You oughta be right proud." That's right. Rodhaketh sucks down the fish and inches a little closer to Kasvatuth.

L'vok nods slowly listening and finishes feeding the brown eventually. and moves to rinse his hands off, Benreth following some until he trips, making L'vok turn around and be with the brown, asking him to stay put until he returns. The brown complies and he looks at J'lor, "So, rabbits and fish with the occasional goat...."

"Vellath. Please. That's enough." The words are gentle, if the tone is cool and cutting, and it is the blue dragon's turn to look contrite. His head lowers and withdraws as he grumbles faintly. J'lor glances towards Falanth, but as the hatchling looks no worse for wear, he glances away again. "Your temper will feed hers, Gananye. A thing to keep in mind." K'tric is given a long look. "Rabbits," the bluerider repeats. "In Derek's cave." How lovely. "We have enough running rampant, that I don't think we need a breeding program. They seem to be faring fine on their own." A nod to L'vok and then, to D'rian, "It was a fine question, bronzerider." Most of the other hatchlings seem to be finished eating. A few are getting oiled with the remains from yesterday. The rest look around, wipe off fishy hands, and otherwise wait for what's next. Further down, on the beach, boats and rafts are arriving.

Vellath> Vellath projects to Falanth, I'm -what-? Nono, that's -him-. An image of J'lor flashes from the blue's thoughts to the green's. My rider. J'lor. He teaches.

Vellath> Falanth points out the obvious. He is not a dragon. Like this should explain everything. Besides, my Gananye says that you two are the Leaders.

Kasvatuth has turned her attention from Rodhaketh to K'tric, studying her rider with her head, as usual cocked. "They're born with them," K'tric answers. "The fish are. And you can /swim/, yes, but not underwater--not for long periods of time, anyway. Yes, in his cave." K'tric turns quickly from his green to J'lor, his nod childishly enthusiastic. "He let me set up some experiments there with them, to test out the effects of various indigenous plants. I need to try them on humans now, though, the ones that went swimmingly on the rabbits." Pause. To Kasvatuth: "It's an expression. For when things go very well. I don't know why."

D'rian nods again, to J'lor, but doesn't immediately dismiss the older man. Though its subtle, there is a relieved warmth behind his expression, one that slowly disappears as D'rian's attention returns to Taikath. The bronze, eyes suddenly gone red, leans closer to D'rian, requiring a series of scritches and whispered words before he is comforted enough to resume his curious study of his fellow clutchmates. At K'tric's statement, however, D'rian's attention fixes on the greenrider. It's almost hateful, that expression that pins on the greenriding weyrling.

And now it's Nye's turn to give Falanth a quelling look. "Not right now, Fala." She's not oblivious to the by play between J'lor and K'tric, lips thinning in disapproval. Though whether it's of her fellow greenrider or the mere mention of Derek is anyone's guess.

L'vok blinks at J'lor for a moment as he listens to the comment towards Gananye, "So our emotions feed our hatchlings emotions more? So, is there a way to hide our emotions if we need to?" Another glance at Katric then and the mention of Derek. He glances around then and really not seeing other guards, he makes no comment. No need drawing too much attention to himself as one of Derek's men.

"Yes. Well. I'm doubtful that's going to be happening, K'tric. You haven't the time and I haven't the inclination, so perhaps you'd better set your rabbits free," J'lor offers with a smile of sorts. It's what it looks like when you take a grimace and merely flip it upside-down. Then, to the weyrlings at large, "Are we fed? Are we ready? Rafts are here. I want three lines, no pushing, no bickering. Hatchlings on the rider's left side. Let's not get any toes or tails stepped on, please." A quick glance to L'vok, "We can discuss that on the mainland. It's a good topic for this morning's lecture."

Vellath> Vellath projects to Falanth, Well of course he's not a dragon. I could not have impressed to him if he'd been a dragon. Duh. Oh. Did she? Were we? He was, once.

D'rian stands, keeping a hand attached firmly to Taikath's side. He moves as slowly as the bronze at his side, both looking ready to trip over their own feet. When some adjustment is made, Taikath is on D'rian's left side and both are positioned in line, ready to follow those ahead of them out to the rafts and back to the mainland.

K'tric is oblivious indeed to the looks being shot his way. He does, though, look downcast as J'lor speaks again, biting his lower lip in disheartened fashion. Kasvatuth butts up against him gently until the bluerider's latter words have an effect. K'tric rises, Kasvatuth taking a place beside him as they join the others lining up.

Vellath> Falanth's 'voice' is low, conspiratorial, Gananye doesn't want me talking about it. not right now. She's more worried about Kasvatuth's rider being an idiot. A pause and she says in a rush, Gananye/says/he/still/is.

P'dian rises, also. Rodhaketh retreats from his seated position and steps to the side of his rider. Who just happens to be standing next to K'tric, by way of things which puts he, the bronze, next to.. Oh, hi Kas. Rodhaketh rumbles a happy greeting as they advance to the rafts.

Gananye lines up as well, eyes flickering to J'lor once more, before she gently swats Falanth between her eyeridges. "I heard that. You're not as quiet as you think. Now come on, and let's get home, hm?"

L'vok nods slowly and slowly guides Benreth along side of a couple other weyrlings towards the rafts. He nods at J'lor then as he tries to keep his brown from tripping again and turns his focus completely on his lifemate. They slowly go to the rafts as L'vok smiles a little.

The bluerider gathers up the net and climbs aboard Vellath. He pauses, mid-scramble, to look first at the blue and then over at little Falanth. J'lor's expression is neutral, save that the corners of his lips are twitching upwards as his eyes move to meet Gananye's. There is a small rough sound as a bit of laughter is choked back. Then he's aboard the blue and taking to the skies, circling slowly to oversee the transfer from hatching island to main island. Keep to the center, the hatchlings are instructed via Vellath. Do not stand too close to the raft's edges. Do not push one another. Watch your feet. Do not sleep. Tell your riders.

Falanth curls her tail tightly about herself and gives a rough rumble at the red-haired boy's blue as he nearly treads on it getting situated on the raft. Nye simply reaches out a hand to steady the boy before bracing herself against her green's dark hide.

Kasvatuth, finding Rodhaketh beside her, croons a cheerful little greeting to him, and K'tric, too, looks over. "Hi," he offers P'dian lightly as they file onto a raft. Kasvatuth, predictably, pays no heed to admonitions to stay away from the edge: at once, she's at the side of the raft, leaning as far over as she dares. K'tric sitting down beside her, curls an arm around her chest, but considering her size even now, it's more likely he's just going to get himself dragged overboard in the process if she does tumble over. But this is the price for curiosity, and Kasvatuth is fascinated.

Vellath circles as the weyrlings load onto the three rafts and the boats are rowed from one side to the other to hitch up to the side facing the main island. Then they're off a a slow and leisurely place that will still make some riders and hatchlings wobble. Sit if you feel you might tip, calls Vellath on his rider's request. Then, sharply, Kasvatuth! Step -back-! Poor little green. Scolded publicly too, the chastisement coming with a loud grumble from the circling blue.

Rodhaketh sits at the opposite side of the raft as Kas, balancing her over-the-side staring with his heavy butt on the other side. Look all you want, he says with this action. The blue and the red-haired boy are caught and Rodhaketh raises his head in greeting. Vellath's warning is greeted with an easy-going I am bigger. The.. He searches for the word for a moment. Boat. The boat will not wobble if I am on this side and she is over there. He reasons. At least, that's what Padi says.

L'vok blinks and smiles at Benreth and nods at him as they settle in the middle of the raft as ordered. The brownrider speaks softly to his lifemate as they do so, "Yes, it's okay to speak with Vellath, He's nice. Listen to him." Then they're off and L'vok watches his brown intently.

Kasvatuth's muzzle dips in the water at one point, earning a snort as she investigates this new thing. She lifts her head, however, as Vellath chastises her, blinking up at him above them. But then I can't see anything! There are /fish/! she protests.

Circle, circle. Fish are for later. Rafts now. The middle of them. Not the edge. You were told. Very authoritative, is Vellath. He's a blue and he's, let's just say it, not the brightest, but he's been leading a wing for nearly two turns now, and a bit of that sharp bark makes its way to the quizzical green now. The rafts are nearly there now. It's a short trip. J'lor has just be seen, angling his body tot he side, watching the proceedings below.

L'vok blinks and nods., reassuring his brown, "Yes, it is always good to ask. Stay in the middle and still and yes, you can ask if you need to." He smiles at Benreth then as the brown looks back fondly and glances up to the blue.

Kasvatuth retreats, but unhappily, to sulk in the middle of the raft. K'tric crawls after her, and in the meantime, entertains the green with more tales of fishes until they reach the mainland.

Rodhaketh snorts at the blue in a quiet manner, stepping backward until he's near the green again. Padi sits at his side and leans against his flank. Oh, hey. Perfect size.

Shanti has been quiet today, lost in thought. So quiet, that it may have been easy to forget she's there; J'lor is probably thanking Faranth for small miracles there. But as the rafts move, there is no restraining the curiosity that the young green has. With her usual enthusiastic exploration of new things, she is standing as near to the raft edge as she's allowed, next straining out to look at the water bobbing and passing below them. Shanti can't help grinning. "No, dear, I don't think this would be a good time for a swim. It's a long way and you'd get tired."

For the improved behavior, the hatchlings are sent a shiver of warmth and fondness. Good baby dragons. Pat pat. Vellath circles a final time as the rafts are guided up onto the mainland, and then he swoops in for a landing. J'lor slides off his neck again, giving his lifemate a fond pat on his shoulder. "Follow me," he says to the arriving weyrlings, "We'll get you to your cots and you can get settled there. If your dragon is tired, he or she can sleep there as well."

L'vok slowly guides Benreth off the raft once they get settled onto the mainland. Once that is done, they start following J'lor towards their new place of residence with the occasional trip for Benreth and L'vok helping him more. "Yes, this is where we'll be staying Benreth. Our home."

Rodhaketh just about leaps off the raft. In the wrong direction. Right into the water, waist deep, head above the surface. His maw open and he warbles in high excitement. He lifts his wings upward, bringing them down with a slap on the top of the water, sending droplets in either direction. Padi shakes his head, standing on the shoreline. "Come on, and you'd better shake off before getting everyone else's bedding sopping wet."

Toth all-but pouts as the fascinating boat ride ends - until she realises there is a /whole new world/ there to explore. And then she is off like a shot, bounding onto the new beach with complete determination. Shanti laughs as she follows the green onto the land, shaking her head. "Yeah, it is different than the other. Not so hot, not so rocky." She takes a moment to look back, watching as Ralkoth ushers Riseli off onto the sand, amused. But then her focus is all for her own mate. "No, stay here with us. We can go play with the trees and shrubs later, but the old man over there is going to show us your new bed. And you know you'll need it soon!"

Vellath> Benreth sends his thoughts out that are twinged with happiness, Mine says you are good to talk to and nice. So, when I get rest, I can talk with you?

Hey! Kasvatuth's croon is nothing short of put-out as Rodhaketh gets in the water. So much for Vellath's orders; if he gets to do it, she wants to, too. She tumbles off herself, though, fortunately, off one of the sides into shallower water--she's only half as tall as the bronze, after all. K'tric leans over the side to grin at her, noting, "Kas! You weren't supposed to do that, I don't think." Not that he sounds at all upset as he hops into the water himself and shoos the green shoreward.

J'lor begins walking. He'll take the front of the line and Vellath will take up the rear. P'dian's bronze's antics are given a small smile as the rider starts to move away. And then in goes a green and about six other hatchlings get the brilliant idea of playing in the water. A couple of weyrlings laugh. A few look less pleased, but eventually the six make their dripping way to shore. "This way, please!" is called again. "You can play once you know where you're sleeping." As he passes Shanti, J'lor murmurs, "Someday, my dear, you are going to be past your prime. And I can only hope you encounter an agile and youthful boy that is as kind to you as you have been to me." Brown eyes twinkle as Shanti's hair is mercilessly ruffled.

Shanti gives him an impish smile. "I'm a greenrider now, I'm told that means I will always know what to do with agile and youthful boys to keep them in line." She teases. Toth, for her part, is happy enough to follow the bluerider, her nose poking at him as she tries to sniff him as they walk along. The antics in the water just increase the ever-present amusement Shanti's sporting since Impressing.

L'vok glances at J'lor and smiles softly, following him and looking around at the others, making a few comments to one of the new arrivals as well, another brownrider. "This should be nice." He smiles down at Benreth and nods at the brown then.

Having investigated the water, Kasvatuth seems for the moment satisfied, as she bounces out onto the shore in a flurry of pudgy paws. K'tric, half-soaked himself, follows, grinning as the pair fall into step with the other ranks of weyrlings.

Vellath> Vellath projects to Benreth, You are speaking to me now, the blue informs the young brown kindly, And you can speak to me again whenever you want. You're supposed to. Since I'm J'lor's.

P'dian laughs as Rodhaketh becomes an influence. Already? Sheesh. The bronze even looks back, tail raising and curving into a smug little coil. He prances, proudly lifting his head so that he's over the top of his rider's head. Together they catch up with Shanti at the head of the pack. "We oughta go for a swim later. Good play." He says. Speaking of agile and youthful.

Vellath> Benreth projects happily, Yes, I am speaking to you and speaking to mine to. Thank you. Mine says you are nice and yours seems as nice as he said.

Toth is offered a smile and a quick scritch of knuckles to eyeridges as J'lor again takes up the front of the line. He leads them off a ways from the main encampment and into a clearing that's recently been enlarged. Off and in the shade is a lean-to that is large enough to support 33 riders and their growing dragons. There are no real walls. Just a bit thatched roof over 33 cots with ample space besides each one. Off a little is a large pile of dried grass and tree leaves (the big, flat kind) which the hatchlings can use as nesting material if they like.

L'vok blinks as he sees the lean-to and then shrugs, moving towards it. He comments to J'lor, "Seems like there's been lots of work done for us. Thank you." Very appreciative and somewhat surprised, he smiles again and glances back to the lean-to. Guiding Benreth towards it, he's joined by a couple of the newcomers to the island who are somewhat like him, quiet and keeping a little distance from the others.

Toth's inspection of J'lor, an ongoing thing, is abandoned at the sight of their new home. Or, more specifically, a pile of leaves and dried grass to one side. Now who can resist that? Bound, bound, pounce! And the nice mound is no more, though there is a gentle rain of grass in the area around where it used to be.

P'dian has gone ahead and 'reserved' a corner with about four or five cots around it. Rodhaketh settles next to Padi's chosen cot as the boy raises his arms and waves to Riseli and Shanti. "Over here, guys! We've got a great view of the sunset on the water at this end!" Ah. That's why. So, too, is the little redheaded boy flagged over, should he choose to accept. Soft spot on Padi's part? Possibly. K'tric, too, is signaled.

It's Kasvatuth that catches the signal, surging damply past K'tric to investigate; it pulls K'tric's attention down again, too, and he hurries after her. "Hi," he offers again, to P'dian and the redheaded bluerider. Kasvatuth croons again her own greeting as she looks out to the view curiously.

Shanti doesn't seem inclined to interfere in Toth's play. She's occupied, after all, leaving Shanti free to choose cots. Across the row from P'dian, on the opposite side, she claims two of the cots. Riseli is waved over, and after a brief chat they settle on them as theirs. Riseli, during this, can be noted to be asking Ralkoth's opinion and, it would seem, permission.

L'vok is taking another corner with the others, making a few comments to them. Loner's Club. All seem to be of few words, but helpful to each other as they settle in. L'vok gives a glance to K'tric and shrugs, focusing more on those around him then.

"Nera's found a cave whose back had fallen in. We're going to see about getting it cleared out and check if the roof's sound, but it will serve as a better barracks once the rains return again," J'lor muses. He watches as the grass explodes but the smile that summons drifts into a small frown as P'dian begins to reserve cot, and then Shanti and Riseli and K'tric join in. J'lor makes his way over to the young riders, shaking his head. "P'dian, I need keep things spread. If you and all of your friends sleep here, and all of the new boys sleep there..." a vague gesture to elsewhere, and then a small shake of his head. "I'm sorry, but you can't all take a full corner of cots. Let's stagger it a bit." The little red-haired boy is given a small smile. "E'ber, why don't you take a cot next to P'dian? Shanti, perhaps you could have the one on his other side? G'den!" One of the boys, older, with a green, looks over. "Why don't you grab a cot over here as well?"

"What about me?" asks K'tric, brows furrowing up as he glances up to J'lor. "Us. Me and Kas."

P'dian considers J'lor's words and then nods, understanding. "Of course! Sorry. Yes, that's a good idea. G'den! Come on over! You'll have to tell me stories, 'cause all the ones I know are about fishing and those are terribly boring." E'ber receives a friendly smile from Padi. "And I can show you how to tie a fantastic fishing lure knot, eh?" K'tric's question has Padi looking back to J'lor. "He could hang around and tell us about healing? We could all stand to learn a little, I think."

Shanti looks to J'lor long moment. "We have to separate?" She glances at Ris, who seems inclined to stay out of this one, and back at him. "Sir." And it's said carefully. "I don't want to exclude anyone, and we will happily move a few down so the new boys can be around us, but... Please?" She's trying, really. And there is no denying that her distress is echoed, a softly whined croon coming from the remains of the bedding pit as Toth echoes her sadness. Still, this is Shanti, and she can't let things be entirely serious. "You know we'll just end up sneaking around anyway..."

L'vok starts getting some of the bedding for Benreth and helping some of the newcomers as well, glancing down to the ones near J'lor and chatting with him and shrugs. Only a few words are shared between him and his new friends, but they do seem to have connected.

G'den, summoned, heads over. He gives a rather grumpy look towards the bluerider that calls as he was talking with a couple of the other abducted boys, and now he's been asked to sleep...near...Instigators. The tall young man looks sullen as he pushes a mop of brown hair from his eyes. But his little green is drooping on her feet now and she needs somewhere to sleep, so he flops onto the offered cot. His green curls up immediately, done. And with her out like a light, G'den finds it a bit hard to open his own eyes. "K'tric, let's have you here," a gesture to the bunk on the other side of G'den. "I'm sure he has a number of skills and stories he can share. And there are a few tales, K'tric, you will -not- be sharing. Clear?" A slow look at the healer before looking away. "Riseli, you can take the bunk below Shanti. It is my hope, my dear," eyes travel back to Toth's rider, "That instead of sneaking around, you simply expand your circle of friends. And I do reiterate the restrictions placed upon you." One brow arches and his chin lowers a touch. "I'm entirely serious about that. None of it. It's cold showers and sleepless nights for quite a while. Understood?" E'ber offers a sheepish smile at the others before slipping onto the cot near P'dian. The rest of the weyrlings get equally situated, natives and new arrivals fairly evenly spread.

Obligingly, K'tric settles on G'den's other side, giving the mainlander one of those bright smiles of his. Kasvatuth, friendly and curious as ever, is quick to nudge at the other boy's green, though she's polite enough to retreat herself and give the other young dragon time to sleep. Shortly, she's yawning herself and curling up beside K'tric, while the young man glances to J'lor. "You mean... about how I got here," he says slowly, catching on.

Vellath> Vellath projects to Kasvatuth, Tell yours that J'lor's says not until the little ones are older. Too many would be upset. It would alarm all the dragons on the island.

Shanti smiles brightly to J'lor, and moves to the appointed place. A moment is taken to give E'ber a reassuring smile and a pat on his arm before she turns back. "And I do understand, J'lor, and there won't be problems. Or sleeplessness. Just easier, near. We're more than able to control ourselves, you know that." She looks across E'ber's cot to Padi, grinning, "And we're doing our best to make that circle big as we can. Promise."

Vellath> Kasvatuth, not quite understanding herself, dutifully relays the message. Okay. I told him. But why? What happened? In the day since her impression, obviously, she's not delved too far past the surface of K'tric's thoughts herself.

Rodhaketh keeps his vigil at the side of Padi's cot, tail scruffling up the boughs set for his bed. Then, when the near ring of dragonets are asleep, he finally elects to curl up, himself. Even then, his head is raised. Watchful. But boy, do those eyelids droop.

As some of the bedding is settled down, Benreth is settled in as with a couple of the newcomer's hatchlings. He goes about chatting a little with them as they nods slowly, but it is in hushed tones.

Vellath> Vellath projects to Kasvatuth, Old things. They do not matter. There is a trickle of irritation and some stronger emotion stomped down and sat on, rather than transmitted. You should sleep, now. To be awake when the others wake.

Toth is, soon enough, bored of the mess she made and is moving back towards Shanti, but she stops along the way. She hasn't visited with P'dian lately, so instead of Shanti it's his feet she stops at, looking up with him with curiosity. With her rider calmed, her eyes are back to being sharp and curious.

Vellath> Kasvatuth projects, But I want to know! But it's a sleepy protest; she's tired, still, drowsing herself. She murmurs again, the curious greens of her mind turning olive, then grey as she subsides, I should know.

A small nod from J'lor to Shanti and then another to K'tric and his assessment of what he shouldn't be discussing. E'ber's blue settles and sleeps, the young boy finding himself equally drowsy for a moment. Shared thoughts. J'lor watches Rodhaketh as he settles and droops and refuses to sleep, and the bluerider notes idly to P'dian, "I have been told that hatchlings can visit one another in their dreams. Of course. They need to be sleeping, first..."

Manierath saunters through the makeshift barracks, tail swaying and wings relaxedly perked up against his back. He ducks his head every so often to brush his nose up under something, upsetting a green's tail only to shimmy away with a light, baritonal crooning. He seems to approve of most everything, but his separation anxiety starts to prick, so he makes his way back towards the cot L'mon is fixing up as smoothly as he can, rubbing the curve of his jaw against the outside of his lifemate's thigh. L'mon, blinking, smiles with a faint warmth and lowers one long-fingered hand to the blue's head, scritching delicately behind his headknobs.

Vellath> To Kasvatuth: The blue dragon's thoughts have relaxed. We went on morning sweeps yesterday. Before you hatched. The sky was many colors as the sun came up. And images of a red and orange sky, of flying with wind beneath one's wings, of the islands from below, are projected to the sleepy green with an undercurrent of calm.

Kasvatuth raises her head a moment, studying J'lor again, until she finally curls up once more by K'tric. He's still watching J'lor, too, and nods once to the man. "Okay," is all he says as he settles down beside the green. She croons once, happily, and is then promptly asleep, K'tric nearly so himself in that moment.

Shanti sits down on the end of her cot, quiet now as she watches around her. There's an air of sleepiness permeating the room, and it's hard to ignore. So the greenrider is quiet, watching her dragonet visiting her friend with a small, fond smile.

L'vok glances back up to the others and nods at L'mon quickly before turning his attention back to the newcomers around him and smiles faintly, idly stroking his brown who's quickly dozing off.

"He wants to make sure the others are settled first. I already told him if he's tired he should sleep." Padi explains to J'lor, shrugging his shoulders. The boy falls backwards, head on the pillow like a magnet on a fridge, and his hand stretches out to run over the ridges lining Rodhaketh's neck. The bronze rumbles his appreciation. Yes, that's right. The tilt of his head allows Padi access to the oft' missed piece of hide hidden by his mandible. Ah, that's nice.

"Protective, then," J'lor muses softly. He smiles as he begins backing away from the cots. "Vellath will rest here. Tell him if you need anything. Otherwise, chores in an hour. Enjoy the rest while you can, weyrlings." And then a small chuckle and a shakes of his head. Weyrlings. Shells.

Toth, visit apparently over, makes her way back to Shanti. Her petite head is placed in the girl's lip, eyes whirling up at her with contentment and love. Shanti rubs briskly over her young hide, above the eyeridges as she silently communes with her. Finally, she looks up and over to J'lor. "Does it ever get old? Feeling them?" Is her sudden question.

L'mon finishes getting his cot and blankets set up however it is he likes them for the best comfort while sleeping and drops onto it, yawning expansively only to rest the back of his hand over his mouth. He blinks once at L'vok's nod but doesn't respond much since the man's attention is soon moved, shifting his gaze towards J'lor while his hand remains on Manierath's neck. The blue seems patient enough for a while, letting the hand rest there, still, but then he gives a rough nudge against L'mon's knee, creeling softly. Startled, L'mon laughs a bit and goes back to scritching and rubbing the warm hide, "Ah, sorry."

L'vok smiles at one of the newcomers as they slowly move to their individual cots after hearing J'lor speak of chores. L'vok grins, but remains quiet, listening some to those around him.

P'dian was up too early, it seems. The boy's hand slows to a stop atop Rodhaketh's head. It takes a moment or two for the bronze beneath it to realize. And when he does, he turns his head to the cot with a confused hurk deep in his throat. Huh. Dipping the top of his head, the dragon deposits Padi's hand beside him on the cot. Then he resumes his watch.

At Shanti's question, J'lor smiles faintly. "It becomes...familiar. Their presence. It stops being a surprise, when you wake, to find them in your thoughts. There will come a time, soon, when you cannot really remember or imagine what life was life without them." The bluerider chuckles softly. "I will sometimes recall experiences from my childhood, and then be surprised when I realize that Vellath hadn't yet hatched. That I was alone. I'm sorry. That's a long answer to a short question. No. It never gets old."

A small smile to J'lor, and she looks down. "It's already hard to imagine." She admits. "I mean... I wanted to Impress, begged to stand, for so many reasons... And now it's happen, and I realise I didn't know the best reason of all had a name, and a voice."

L'mon cants his head slightly as he listens to J'lor's answer, giving a short, quiet laugh that seems to be only understood by his blue, who pushes his nose against L'mon's forehead. Nodding absently, he settles onto his cot, pulling the blanket loosely over him. Manierath settles into his own space not too far off, resting his head on his lifemate's leg and showing the distinct difference in L'mon's cot: the legs have been taken off. It's just a frame resting an inch or so off the floor so he can sleep close to Manierath without actually sleeping on rock.

L'vok blinks as he listens as well, nodding and keeping silent. He sits on the cot for a few, glancing at the dozing Benreth and smiles faintly.

"It's a secret," J'lor admits with another small chuckle. "Not because we wish it, but because we're simply unable to share it. It has to be experienced. Rest. One hour." He bends into a small bow and then turns to make his way towards the beach.

l'vok, vellath, p'dian, d'rian, rodhaketh, toth, l'mon, benreth, manierath, taikath, shanti, gananye, k'tric, kasvatuth, falanth

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