May 15, 2008 23:46
TM 230 Black and white
I wish matters were black and white.
Meanings, understandings, paths we are shown in meditations and visions. It would certainly make interpretations much easier. If I had known precisely who had wanted to kill Senator Amidala just before the Clone Wars, and why they had wanted to do so, the Jedi Order might have been able to prevent the entire war in the first place. Or at least, perhaps, to make the impact upon innocent beings that much less.
But there is a reason why the Force does not function in such literal terms. What this reason is I cannot be sure, but I have long thought it might be due to the fact that its function is to guide, to instruct, and to reveal slowly in time. Ordinarily this is perfectly understandable as the natural order of matters. But when lives are involved, lives of those who would otherwise not have died, I sometimes can't help but question its motives. Does the Force wish death upon the galaxy? Does it wish chaos, terror, evil? Or is it merely an innocent bystander itself, powerless to stop the return of the Sith and the attendant terror?
Of course, these are questions philosophers have pondered for an age. I'm unlikely to come up with any of the answers on my own. But I do remember Qui-Gon saying that the most important step in finding answers is to ask the right questions.
I am asking these questions.
As the universe isn't black and white, of course, I don't receive those answers. Perhaps I never will.
Muse: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fandom: Star Wars
Words: 262
theatrical muse