Jan 14, 2020 12:00
- Mon, 12:33: RT @ NWSSeattle: Temperatures will drop below freezing across all of western WA tonight. Be prepared for driving on icy roads... #wawx https:…
- Mon, 13:03: RT @ KSeattleWeather: South Sounders: You may have missed out on the fun last night, but not tonight! An inch or so of snow is possible fr…
- Mon, 13:20: RT @ AngryBlackLady: I’m writhing around trying to paint Bernie as a racist? I point out actual things that he has said that demonstrate hi…
- Mon, 13:26: RT @ AngryBlackLady: #ITrustBernie to have literally the worst online supporters of any candidate in the history of the digital world.
- Mon, 13:28: RT @ KlasfeldReports: Just in advance of House Dems’ imminent announcement expected about the transfer of the articles of impeachment to the…
- Mon, 16:05: Teeny tiny ice pelkets falling for more than 1/2 an hour in Cascade-Fairwood. 34 degrees. #wawx @ NWSSeattle #rentonsnow
- Mon, 16:26: Ok, Cascade Fairwood has light (?) snow. It was tiny ice pellets for 1/2 an hour then switched over 10 minutes ago.… https://t.co/oClnV0Uz6p
- Mon, 17:25: RT @ bedallane: @ wanderinbilly @ NWSSeattle How will NorthWest Profile #1: First Snowflake Freakout Lady react to this continued off and on e…
- Mon, 18:52: RT @ RabbiJill: My main criteria I’m looking at for 2020 us who can beat trump & has the skills to be a healer. Because we are going to need…
- Mon, 18:55: RT @ BillyHendoe: Can't touch this #HammerTime .
- Mon, 18:57: RT @ mehdirhasan: The president is an open racist and bigot. Everyone who votes for him this November is complicit in this racism and bigotr…
- Mon, 20:03: RT @ NWSSeattle: 730 PM Forecast Update | Scattered snow showers along the Olympic Peninsula are sliding east this evening. Additional light…
- Mon, 20:11: RT @ wsdot_traffic: UPDATE: @ wastatepatrol is now turning people around so WSDOT maintenance crews can treat the westbound lanes of the SR 5…
- Mon, 20:22: RT @ denniselazaro: 🚨 Let’s keep ourselves updated, people!
- Mon, 20:25: RT @ TrumpStudents: What a group - Vince Vaughn, First Lady Melania Trump, President Trump, and Rep. Scalise! https://t.co/erlCrDVzQO
- Mon, 20:28: RT @ queerBengali: You’re not a real threat to him. You’re not even a threat to fucking Tom Steyer.
- Mon, 20:35: RT @ KSeattleWeather: ❄️MORE SNOW TONIGHT ❄️ ♦️Up to 4” of snow possible by Tue AM, mainly south of Seattle. ♦️Tacoma area likely to see 2…
- Mon, 20:36: RT @ cara_doxyluv: @ TulsiGabbard @ BernieSanders Spoilers stick together.
- Mon, 20:43: RT @ RadioFreeTom: The people who whine about how the Coastal Elites always look down on Rube Nation are applauding the President for showin…
- Mon, 21:22: RT @ KSeattleWeather: ❄️Hot off the press! Tonight’s UW model predicts 1-3 inches of snow from Everett to Seattle, and 4 inches around Tacom…
- Mon, 21:35: RT @ wapio3021: Radar map of @ Q13FOX showing snow showers around the Renton hills. Spreading to all of Renton and beyond after midnight til…
- Mon, 21:42: I see kitty ears! 😻 https://t.co/MuUH3dLFof
- Mon, 22:22: RT @ NWSSeattle: Here we snow again! We're looking for new ❄️ measurements out of tonight's showers! If you happen to have a spot that was c…
- Mon, 23:11: Back to tiny flakes in Fairwood Renton - it's been a constant snow mist for hours. I'm seeing that the area is supp… https://t.co/rBnaIrSkd1
- Mon, 23:12: RT @ TheRickWilson: My new book comes out in about one minute, and this is my last tweet before it’s released encouraging you to pre-order.…
- Mon, 23:28: Precipitation in Fairwood Renton now resembles actual snow - seeing some medium flakes. Will it take and become rea… https://t.co/Dm82rqppzP
- Tue, 00:36: RT @ SkyNews: ✨The real-life stardust was formed up to seven billion years ago, long before our own sun had been born ☀️ https://t.co/dYfqM…
- Tue, 01:06: RT @ TheRickWilson: Imma be there. Details to come.
- Tue, 08:20: We're mostly concerned about ice and "pop up storms" (just snow) but this is interesting.🤨 Real or political skulld… https://t.co/vPYNkEMSSg
- Tue, 10:38: RT @ jaketapper: Happy birthday, Dave! https://t.co/6vKUokbiXR https://t.co/t3E67XsGws