Jan 09, 2020 12:00
- Wed, 16:29: RT @ randypcox: Senator Lee (R) Utah is not happy with the trump administration. https://t.co/WSkMIdanlY
- Wed, 19:28: RT @ RadioFreeTom: Could the Iranians have killed some people? Sure, if they'd launched a surprise attack and targeted places where there we…
- Wed, 19:30: RT @ realTuckFrumper: When College Republicans Unite With The Alt-Right, What Could Go Wrong? https://t.co/fSGYV7CqBZ
- Wed, 19:32: RT @ neal_katyal: Has he seen Reagan’s speech? https://t.co/b89kJV24Zh
- Wed, 20:17: RT @ FPWellman: @ RepJimBanks Don’t you fucking use veterans to cover up your racism and bigotry. Veterans make up less than 8% of the US pop…
- Thu, 00:08: RT @ MickCat3: @ wanderinbilly 🥰
- Thu, 06:45: RT @ imfabulous13: For the duration of Trump's illegitimate Presidency White House shall be known as Snortingham Castle. #SniffyMcAdderall…
- Thu, 07:48: RT @ CMichaelGibson: What is your approach to Trolls on twitter? Tell us and add to the list.
- Thu, 09:56: RT @ HamillHimself: I think Luke & Han are lucky Leia took over their "rescue" on the Death Star or it would've been a very short movie.
- Thu, 11:21: RT @ swimmerbr78: Trump confuses the name for a retirement account with that of a kitchen cleaner, yet Republicans credit him for the econom…