Jan 06, 2020 12:00
- Sun, 14:18: RT @ dustin_butrum: LETS GO RUSS #Seahawks #GoHawks https://t.co/7Po9chTCeR
- Sun, 14:21: RT @ arenda: Wow. Proportionality is a specific requirement of the laws of armed conflict, codified in US law. The president is specifically…
- Sun, 14:25: RT @ arenda: This https://t.co/dyMLv38MCZ
- Sun, 14:27: RT @ treasonstickers: Who has more control over US foreign policy?
- Sun, 17:10: RT @ RadioFreeTom: He's aiming to be the first U.S. President both impeached and extradited to the Hague. https://t.co/4NaHilsWnz
- Sun, 17:13: RT @ dan007mnr: @ rickygervais terrorizing Hollywood tonight. Loving it so far. Making them nervous early on. #GoldenGlobes https://t.co/Yg7…
- Sun, 17:16: RT @ AshaRangappa_: THREAD. Yes. But it's also time to acknowledge that the War Powers Act is pretty much obsolete and also ill-equipped to…
- Sun, 18:20: Has Gwyneth Paltrow been spending time in an Ewok brothel to get ready for a role or something? =\
- Sun, 18:21: RT @ PalmerReport: Congrats to Marshawn Lynch - who once called Donald Trump a "motherfucker" - on his NFL playoff victory today.
- Sun, 18:22: RT @ SoSofieFatale: 2 TRILLION to destroy and kill but we can’t afford free college and health care for all. Disgusting, wasteful and destru…
- Sun, 18:23: RT @ tribelaw: Listen to @ gtconway3d, GOP Senators. This is only going to get worse. https://t.co/6BpZRY4yve
- Sun, 18:25: RT @ NotWoofers: Big fan of shoe insults https://t.co/86azlQG2Qx
- Sun, 19:13: RT @ ScottMStedman: If you think the dossier was rightly published by BuzzFeed, then this piece should rightly be picked up by mainstream me…
- Sun, 19:15: *sigh* So I guess we won't be talking about this tomorrow OR the newly released emails OR Lev Parnas' records...🙄 S… https://t.co/znNCYWUddw
- Sun, 19:16: RT @ gtconway3d: It’s called decompensation. Whatever rationality previously may have existed in @ realDonaldTrump’s mind is eroding in an ac…
- Sun, 19:55: RT @ AlxThomp: Bernie today in Iowa: “You have not heard me disparage any of the candidates, do you? I don't.“ Bernie just this week on Bi…
- Sun, 20:48: RT @ BillyHendoe: Brad Pitt wins the day. https://t.co/iJXslMLcpe
- Sun, 20:58: RT @ PatrickDowns: @ RadioFreeTom Hat tip for "Night of Camp David" reference! It's a good read. https://t.co/ujNlUut0Lw
- Sun, 21:31: RT @ KSeattleWeather: ❄️SNOW WATCH UPDATE❄️ ♦️Snow continues to look likely in #Seattle area, especially during the overnight hours, beginn…
- Sun, 21:44: Yay, Dum Dum has inspired the Japanese to mobilize. SMH https://t.co/ZcbJSrjUpn
- Sun, 21:51: RT @ ag_due: The DSA are the Scientologists of political PACs https://t.co/jWlhra599Y
- Sun, 22:18: RT @ dannyelfman: Composer Danny Elfman announced in the Coachella 2020 line-up - Classic FM @ classicfm https://t.co/eSzhpqrgzP
- Sun, 22:27: Probably the best Planet of the Apes thread that you've read in a whole. https://t.co/1cumUhmA7M
- Mon, 09:44: Really, @ HassanRouhani, after the shock from Dum Dum's distraction, Americans will realize that it's NOT in your in… https://t.co/i0idXgA0kD
- Mon, 09:46: "But there is more. Much more. Very cold air will be moving southward into Washington next Sunday ( 4 PM next Sun… https://t.co/2xxHeGwJUm
- Mon, 10:27: RT @ realTuckFrumper: Bolton called McConnell (but not the White House) before announcing he'd testify https://t.co/IPSqyO9jE3
- Mon, 10:44: RT @ ScottSKOMO: Heh, intriguing. This is the last image of this morning's UW 12Z WRF/GFS run for Monday. That is a snow lover's dream: Smas…
- Mon, 11:11: *opens trenchcoat* Fancy parfum to take your mind - perhaps your pretty lady's mind off the turmoil of the world?😻… https://t.co/vUVF7h4TYH
- Mon, 11:13: Hawking some vintage items today on this account. Various reasons. For THIS item - $5 off for a positive ID!!! Arg.… https://t.co/8mfV5O32yN
- Mon, 11:18: A bit more hawkin' and distraction - let's have some colorful distraction! I've sold a smaller version of this ad b… https://t.co/NEAmyvxLUg