Sat, 13:09: RT @ vexedinthecity: Like I tell my people at work; failure is always an option. Not every at bat is gonna be a home run and so just do what…
Sat, 16:24: RT @ MollyMcKew: It's almost 2020 and people are still not talking about a key finding of the Mueller report and the senate reports, which i…
Sat, 17:08: RT @ JohnWDean: Do yourself a favor: Read (or save for later) this insightful tour de force by @ Michiko Kakutani on the decade we are depar…
Sat, 17:09: RT @ brianstelter: A Twitter spokesman confirms that the platform has suspended some of the MAGAsphere accounts that Trump RTed in a tweetst…
Sat, 18:07: Turning my sweetheart on the original Tales of the city.😍
Sat, 20:05: RT @ NouveauBougee: @ RadioFreeTom Their entire lives conservatives have been telling them that the reasonable progressive policies they sup…
Sun, 08:16: RT @ KevinMKruse: When voters in different parts of the country elect their representatives, they have to come to Washington DC to do the jo…
Sun, 08:23: So, *good* Bernie folks confused by the occasional vitriol and rage Bernie evokes from non-Berners? This. It's POS…
Sun, 08:28: RT @ CarenaAK: @ isamuel If Bernie Sanders cannot even unite his supporters around the ultimate Democratic candidate he can’t unite the coun…