Dec 14, 2019 12:00
- Fri, 16:27:
- Fri, 23:16: RT @ WizzyProbs: Does anyone @ PreetBharara have a definitive list of adverse judgment/fines that Trump & his kids have paid out in their car…
- Fri, 23:35: RT @ catheternebula: #MyArticleOfImpeachment being intimidated by teenage girls.
- Fri, 23:35: RT @ tburages: Trump committed perjury. #MyArticleOfImpeachment (turns out I have quite a few of these)
- Fri, 23:40: If only. There's actually a Federalist Paper on that - Dershowitz (Yeah, yeah, Epstein didn't commit suicide and th…
- Fri, 23:47: RT @ kpolantz: @ Arianedevogue Here's where things stood before the Supreme Court agreed to be the decider on the Trump tax return/financial…
- Fri, 23:51: RT @ nicolebrodeur: I hate to break this, but First and Pike News, in the Pike Place Market, is closing. I know.
- Fri, 23:52: RT @ RadioFreeTom: People ask me when I think protest is appropriate and matters, since I'm usually not a fan. This, right here, should bri…
- Fri, 23:56: Seriously, listen to The Mooch! We know what #TraitorMitch is capable of. #MitchMustRecuse
- Sat, 00:07: What an exhausting week! Next week should be exciting - upposed to be rallies and marches on Tues: "the day before…