My tweets

Dec 10, 2019 12:00

  • Mon, 12:04: A long time ago in a world so very far away, the Talking Heads version was workout/weight room music. The song aged…
  • Mon, 13:48: Ah, I tuned in to hrgs in time for Swalwell to recast the iconic "what did the the president know..." quote for the…
  • Mon, 13:53: RT @ Adriana_Lacy: A church Nativity scene depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees separated in cages. “We see this as, in some ways, t…
  • Mon, 19:41: So, "Bad Gilligan" would be a pretty cool band name, huh?🙂
  • Mon, 20:25: RT @ kazweida: For a number of reasons I have decided not to accept the Nobel Prize in literature regardless of whether or not I am offered…
  • Mon, 21:04: RT @ unxfilm: ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Picks Up One Golden Globe Nomination🥴🤷🏻‍♂️ #GoldenGlobes
  • Mon, 21:13: Oh man, catching up on latest Castle Rock to clear our heads of the news day. Just saw a scene that one ups the adr…
  • Mon, 21:20: RT @ bkgut3: I honestly could gaf how Warren made her money as a lawyer. Did she do her job? Yes? Good. NOW M-EFFERS, Guess who else did th…
  • Mon, 22:44: Just the Impeachment Hrgs & the IG report would have made today a proverbial seismic 8+ newsday back on Earth1. Her…
  • Tue, 05:39: Here are, December 10, 2019: the day when articles of impeachment are to be levied against the 45th president of th…

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