Yay math modeling

Oct 18, 2006 12:25

I found this ealier

The wording on this is sketchy, what they really mean seems to be that for each mayer song you know how to play, your chance to get laid is doubled, so if you know 0, your chance to get laid stays the same, if you know 1, its your initial chance times two, and since it doubles as the number goes up it seems they want to say that if you know TWO john mayer songs you are FOUR times as likely to get laid as someone who knows ZERO john mayer songs. I have the fixed equation here.

Where Di is your initial chance to get laid knowing how to play zero john mayer songs.

That is all.

EDIT: This equation however is inherently flawed, as it allows your probability to increase to greater than 100% if you have a high enough initial probability and knew enough john mayer. It also doesnt take into account diminishing returns

Upon further investigation it was found that the equation is as follows:


The one at the beginning sets the asymptote at 1 (knowing an infinite number of john mayer songs you have a 100% chance to get laid). A is some constant that can be determined experimentally.

The graph yields a curve as follows:

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