Jun 07, 2006 00:47
This one I actually like, strangely enough
In my mind I grew a tree
Wrecked as wayward I did see
Thus my foe behold my shine
And he knew that it was time
When the night had veiled the pole
I counted out like days of old
I saw it wallow in its fears
I waited there with my tears
Til it bore an apple bright
Bright the shine send out the blight
when away the apple send
the blight gone, my wrath did end
Prose more like, but whatever
Late one sunny sunday afternoon, there sat an old man, weaving at his loom. His hands were old and grey, but very capable. As he was weaving a boy walked by his porch, and started to look at what the man was weaving. "Run along kid," the man said "this is too complex for you, you wouldn't understand it." But the boy continued to gaze at the old man working. When the old man was finished, he gazed at his work, and when he was finished, put it in his bag. "Now don't you try to do what I just did, you wouldn't be any good at it." the man said. "Fine," said the boy "what you're doing is stupid anyway." But naturally the boy was curious, so when the man left for town to sell his work, he walked to the loom, and started to weave. And oh did the boy weave. He took the cloth and intertwined it with the string masterfully, like garder snakes in a field of tall grass. When the boy was finished with his project, his curiosity was satisfied, and he gazed at his work. Then the old man returned, and said "What have you done to my loom boy?! You've ruined it!" So he took the boy's work, and ripped it in half and threw it in the grass. Indignant the boy asked "Why did you do that?!." But the look in the man's eye told him why, because the man didn't like it. But to the boy, his work was a masterpiece.
The universe
The galaxies
The systems
The plants
The continents
The countries
The states
The cities
The neighborhoods
The houses
And finnally, down to me
So small
So infinitely small
What can I do?
Pandora's box
The box is open
I can't close it
I'm not even strong enough to keep the lid from crushing me under it's might
I try
I recycle
I donate to salvation army
I try not to waste food
But the box, is invincible
All the recycleing in the world won't put a dent in the box
So big
So infinitely big
Bigger than me
Bigger than the houses
The neighborhoods
The cities
The states
The countries
The continents
The plants
The systems
The galaxies
The universe
Bigger than all of us
Bigger than me
I shiver at how bad this one is
Like tantalus I reach
True thoughts not in my speech
Like tantalus I grasp
Your thoughts sting me like an asp
Like Tantalus I urge
My heart is on the verge
Like sinkin' in quicksand
Like sinkin' in quicksand
The more I try the more you run away
The more I lie the more I see me sway
Now my words betray my thoughts
Now my thoughts betray my heart
Now my heart betrays soul
To you
To you
Like sinkin' in quicksand
Like sinking in quicksand
This one is meh
Starting with a bang
Ending with a long quiet
With the bang, the whole world hangs
Teetering on the edge of nothingness
With the quiet the whole world falls
Into a world of nothingness
A timeline forever ingrained in existance
That may be remembered by all
So that Nothing will become something
Becoming everything
Which became nothing
This one is dece IMO
If I should die today
Shrivel And Wallow Away
Would you regret what you could not say?
If you could, would you go back there
To express the love you felt in the air
Or would you remain in emptiness and despair
Embracing feelings of not love but longing
Hope not belonging
And togetherness prolonging
If you should die soon
Could I tell you under the undying moon
What I feel, with you as my boon
What if we could
What if we would
What if we should
This one is a bit out of style for me, but its here anyway
**An object at rest stays at rest
**A basic precept of life
**It can be applied to all things
**Things are resistant to change
Change though, is a part of all life
**Things cannot change on their own
**Things don't like change
**Such is life
But does a rock not fall on it's own if you let go
**Letting the rock go is a change on its own
**In a void the rock would not fall
Ah, but life is not lived in a void
**But it can be made close
**To avoid all changes
Who says change is bad
Things often change for the better
**An object in motion stays in motion
**Unless acted upon by an outside force
**These forces
**Over Time
**Bring the object back to a state of rest
**The less changes there are
**The longer it takes to come to rest
Aha, but is the essence of motion not also a change in itself
To move is to change
Living a life devoid of change, while easyer, is not life
Life is change
** indicates another speaker...kinda
Teehee, teh angst
"Sweet Rage"
Flowing through
Using the body as a conduit
Pure Rage
More powerful than an A-bomb
More longevity than a volcano
Building as it surfaces
Flowing through the mind as a thought
Flowing through neurons as a pulse
Never has so little meant so much
Flowing through the muscles as a contraction
Through the throat and mouth as vibrations of air
Never has so much been so little
Pure rage
Issued from fallible tongue
Takes a life of its own
Pure rage
Flows like a thought
Like a surge
Like a contraction
As a click through a gear
An explosion through a barrel
Pure rage takes a life of its own
Are you in front?
Are you behind?
With you I�m always fucking blind
Two faces
Two places
Love me in the front
Stab me in the back
Leave me out on the fucking rack
Entice me with whispers
Bring me in with a soft caress
Tie me up in loving chains
And beat me senseless like the rest
Bring me water for desert lips
Bring me food for cavernous chest
But surely this is not a kind of bliss
Enough to keep me living
Alive and hating
Rather than dead and numb
One last one:
Empty Victory
Perched atop the pile of gold and riches
The cows and boars bow before him
The grapes spill wine at his mere thought
Ordering an underling to fill his chalice
He brings it to his lips, but comes up empty
Leaning down he fills it himself
But nothing
An empty chalice as a reward
Anything he wants
Anything he needs
Except that which he most desires
And cause it seems relevent:
I led an interesting high school life. Being two months removed from the whole thing I think I can be at least a bit objective. Looking back at my four years in high school, the only thing that I can safely conclude is that I floated through. There were really no highs or lows, no great achievements, although no great letdowns either. Of course there were a few ups and downs, but none of them significant on more than a day to day setting. Im really not sure if this should disappoint me or not. I don�t even know what I wanted to expect or happen. Maybe I wanted a Hollywood moment. Like the last scene in the breakfast club, where all the teens have some big revelation about themselves. Or maybe like the scene in better off dead where John Cusack wins the big ski race against his rival. This may seem like a bitch-fest, but I don�t care. I guess I just wanted to throw the winning touchdown, get a stand ovation for a lead role, get the girl, ya know. My biggest fear in life is dying in mediocrity. Maybe I just wanted to absolve that so I wouldn�t have to worry about it, I�m really not sure. I want to be remembered. People like RJ will be remembered for their grades, people like Stenson for their musical talent, people like Beth for her art. The other question is, if people do remember me, what will they remember about me. Most likely that I was just that annoying kid that talked too much. I�ve come to accept that�s who I am, for the most part anyway. But I want people to remember me for something I did, not who I was. I would rather be infamous than forgotten, but in a perfect world I would much rather be remember for something more than being an ass.