Dec 09, 2005 19:25
Greg and Jeff
do I have game?
greg, you serve bitches
those were the same, in diffrent words
no, pardon means I don't understand, I beg your pardon for not understanding you. Elaborate means please use more words to describe what you just said.
Ok, back to me
I'm useing the internet to tie a tie...not so much game
I have a tie...some game
you greg, you school people in the game
Greg and Matt
do I have game?
im not sure.
do you get alot of ass?
I have had sex 11 times in 3 months
how old were they?
i mean, 11 different people?
9 different people, all older than me
yeah you do
Greg and Sam
do I have game?
Greg and Bart
do I have game?
you have attitude
diff being?
and you have pizzazz
but game?
What's the diff?
see attitude and pizzazz are a positive and a negative (in reverse) but game?
game is beyond you is even beyond me
one must only hope to accomplish game after having and maintained enlightment for a hundred years
for one to be game, one must be study, and be totally centered on to one's self, beyond having an ego
I don't know
I'm bullshiting
but it was a very good explanation
Greg and Josh
do I have game?
I honestly couldn't tell you, the plays you made at me were obviously tainted by foreknowledge of resistance, that effects the way the game is played.
You're definitely capable of great charm.
no one is giving me a good answer
I've never seen you play!
Yes Greg?
How many Cons have we been to together?
I couldn't tell you. Memory gaps.
A decent number I'm sure.
Come to think of it, I can remember how you come onto people.
Seems from my recollection, you're like a gay me, but slightly more grabby. Since I seems to think I have game, I'd have to say "Yes", you probably have game.