here are some delightful little pictures from this weekends adventures with miss holli k. hooker and her super-special gloom-style birthday goodness;
saturday; at gus's.
holli and her sexy birthday present.
"happy birthday, dear hoooookerrr..."
we took a birthday intermission to a local denton bar.
(actually, i just wanted to see my hookers on poles; SHHH).
after the bar, holli was ready for serious birthday spankings.
"bend over and take it!"
anything for the birthday girl!
holli on sunday night; before the crotch and copious amounts of fake blood (dont ask).
and a birthday would not be complete without a drunken birthday dinner.
hoanna and her little brother, AWWWWH.
jesse and i are super-goth. give us cool points.
and now, some pictures of jesse and i being strange. we do that a lot.
"thats all i got."