Nov 02, 2005 18:07
With her usual little excitement about coming home, the bus stopped to the last station; she had to get out now. With rapid movements, the high school girl walked out the bus then took the direction of her house, which was only a few blocks away.
Her mind being quite off reality, she mechanically took off her black googles and hid them in her pocket, making them join the lonely lollipop that lied with the candy corpses. The sky already was becoming darker due to the daylight savings; days were shorter, the moon arrived almost as soon as she was arriving home.
Stepping in the house, she got rid of her shoes to then start her daily routine; to her room where she dropped her backpack, then impeccably black trench coat. She then took off with a quick pace to the computer. After walking down the stairs, she sat upon a comfortable chair and rolled to the Macintosh, since the PC was already taken by her mother. Opening Internet and starting to surf through it, her mother started talking to her.
"I called the vet today. They picked up and reffered me to a Hospital for exotic animals. When I called them, their secretary answered, so I explained what was happening with your rat. She told me it could have been a stroke just like your friend told you, but she also told me that was what happened after two years in a rat's life. That your pet is becoming old, and that what they can do is either we'd get a rendez-vous with the veterinarian that could just end up with the same verdict; he'll die soon. Or the other option would be that they'd give your rat an euthanasia so he'd die in peace. I know you talked to me about enthanasia a few days ago"
Stunned, the young girl couldn't find any proper answer. "Yeah.."
"Do you want to go now?"
"Well there's always the risk he could die during the night if we decide to go tomorrow."
Her eyes slowly watering, he glanced at the floor and sighed heavily; everything was so sudden.. but she accepted as the tears rolled down her cheeks.
After picking the rat up, they got in the car. With all the spasms the poor animal was giving out, the girl started to cry again after a moment of serinity.
The sky now being dark, she hid the rat in her trench coat so the freezing wind wouldn't get to the poor sick thing; they entered the hospital.
After a while talking with the kind lady, who also happened to be one of the vets there, she smiled to the girl who immediately returned the sweet gesture.
"Whenever you're ready,"
"... I am..." The girl smiled as she fought her tears. She handed the furry creature to the lady to picked it up.
"Don't worry, the injection makes them feel like going into a nomal sleep. The death is extremely peaceful,"
"We always hold them into our arms, just like you do, when we do the injection."
The girl only succeed to give out an ugly smile, furiously shaking do to the mix of rage and sadness that was now boiling in her. She turned around as her mother thanked the madam for her comprehension, then turned back to look at Kuro.
Then they left.
Outside the hospital and in the car, the mother pet her daughter's arm gently as the tears escaped and flowed like rivers.
"I think you're very brave, Jag."
But the girl didn't see it that way.
She felt weak.
The Black Rat
"You were more than just a pet. But my
closest animal friend, my confident.
I'll love you beyond death."
.... Do I really need to say more? Now I really have to go... I'm starting to cry again.
Forgive me for I know I can't write for my life.