Dec 19, 2005 12:57
becoming disconcerted (is that a word? it is now) with how hard it is to find Alchemy/Chemistry supplies in general, even mail order over the net. Extractors are almost impossible to find. WTF?
Last night went to Finn McCool's (sp?) with w____. Was an interesting party, very nice post-appocalyptic atmospher. No electricity, lanterns, everyone from bankers to drug dealers to pick pockets to wine coniesurs (sp?) to everyone else imaginable. My Irish lilt came back from all the Irish/Scottish and English people there. Really interesting how that happens.
Have 2 good recipes I need to post.
Had a good evening, then hung out with burntandcrispy and even went to a church for a Christmas thing. Very nice Gothic architecture, and great music. One of the arrangements was by a folk from Manheim Steamroller! On tenor sax!! w00t!
fire! need to spin fire!
sitting in z'otz, they close in 8 minutes, eating Miso with shittake and seaweed and tofu, sipping jasmine green tea and trying to find alchemy supplies. Hating the curfew also. NEED GINGER!!! have some where I'm staying.
There are people here playing Magic:The Gathering!!! GEEKS!!! YAY!!!
And with the stars aligning right Cthul... I mean I will be able to yet again reign terror upon Franklin's gaming days!!! Those are one of the things I miss most from my teenage years. GAMING DAYS!!! The name was always a little weird because they were always overnight parties, never daytime, but it worked. I WANT ANOTHER ONE! I WANT MANY MANY MORE! And I want to try Fizz Ball.
ah yes and I still smell like patchouli but I'm stopped up and can't smell it. Oh well.
(this was posted to my other journal last night, forgot to post it here, apologies to the people who are getting double wammied with it)
fizz ball,
finn mccools,
gaming days,
new orleans,
magic the gathering,