...and here is when I say "I told you so"

Mar 08, 2006 19:59

Iran Threatens U.S. Over Nuclear Program
(Associated Press) VIENNA, Austria -
Iran threatened the United States with "harm and pain" Wednesday if the U.S. tries to use the
U.N. Security Council as a new and potent lever to punish Tehran for its suspect nuclear program.

Iran warns US of "harm and pain"
VIENNA (Reuters) -
Iran warned the United States on Wednesday it could inflict "harm and pain" to match whatever punishment Washington persuades the
U.N. Security Council to mete out over concerns Tehran is secretly seeking atomic bombs.
"So if the United States wishes to choose that path, let the ball roll," Tehran national security official Javad Vaeedi said.

Iran confrontation moves to next stage
Paul Reynolds, World Affairs Correspondent, BBC News website
The United Nations Security Council is to take up the issue of Iran's nuclear activities, heralding the start of a new phase in the confrontation.

A Fake Bargain With Iran
Editorial from the New York Times by a fucktard. He nullifies the point he tries to make at the end with what he says in the first two paragraphs.

a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060308/wl_nm/korea_north_usa_dc;_ylt=AkgvZNonrkCbbrOvS1ZfnyMUewgF;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NTMzazIyBHNlYwMxNjk2" target="korea1">N.Korea conducted new missile tests: US
GAUTIER, Mississippi (Reuters) - The White House said
North Korea fired two short-range missiles on Wednesday in a test that U.S. officials said proved the country's nuclear program posed a threat to the region. [and America never does anything like this??? Constantly???]

Bush Gets Close-Up Look at New Orleans
(Associated Press) NEW ORLEANS - Six months after Hurricane Katrina,
President Bush got a close-up look Wednesday at the mountains of debris, the abandoned homes and the boarded-up businesses that are shocking reminders of the "pain and agony" New Orleans endures still. [I WANT TO KNOW WHY "PAIN AND AGONY" IS IN QUOTES, AS IF IT WERE AN OPINION???]
In the devastated Lower Ninth Ward, few residents were around to tell Bush how they felt. But two young women held up a sign for his motorcade that said, "Where's my government?" Farther up the road, a man waved a flattened cardboard box on which he had written, "Pres. cut the red tape and help us."
"You've got a pile of stuff here," Bush said after watching a small bulldozer push a pile of debris on a street littered with a mattress, toys, a cooking pot, several pairs of blue jeans, a box of Pasta Roni and a pair of women's underwear. [HEY DICKWAD, THAT "PILE OF STUFF" THEY'VE GOT THERE IS THE REMNANTS OF SOMEONE'S LIFE YOU INSENSITIVE FUCK!]

Tapes Refresh Debate Over Katrina, Levees
(Associated Press) WASHINGTON - Much of the controversy has focused on 10 words: "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees."
President Bush made the statement in a television interview last Sept. 1, three days after Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast and inundated much of New Orleans.
There is no specific mention of levees being breached at Bush's videoconference with federal, state and local disaster management officials on Aug. 28, the day before Katrina's landfall. A videotape of that meeting was one of two videos and seven transcripts of Katrina-related briefings reported by The Associated Press last week.
But there were dire warnings of a gigantic storm that could overflow the levees at that session and at other pre-landfall conferences. And specific mention of possible breaches was raised at an Aug. 29 teleconference that included Joe Hagin, deputy White House chief of staff. [semantics, you beuracratic barnacles!]

South Dakota law bans nearly all abortions
PIERRE, South Dakota (AP) -- Gov. Mike Rounds signed legislation Monday banning nearly all abortions in South Dakota, setting up a court fight aimed at challenging the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
The bill would make it a crime for doctors to perform an abortion unless the procedure was necessary to save the woman's life. It would make no exception for cases of rape or incest.
The Legislature passed the bill last month after supporters argued that the recent appointment of conservative justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito have made the Supreme Court more likely to overturn Roe v. Wade.
South Dakota's abortion ban is to take effect July 1, but a federal judge is likely to suspend it during a legal challenge.
Rounds has said abortion opponents already are offering money to help the state pay legal bills for the anticipated court challenge. Lawmakers said an anonymous donor has pledged $1 million to defend the ban, and the Legislature set up a special account to accept donations for legal fees. [and of course the people behind this bill are not only 'moral majority' morons, x-ian coaliation fucks, but ALL MALE AS WELL! if they get pregnant let THEM worry about an abortion, mysoginists!]

Molly Ivins: South Dakota's stand
AUSTIN, Texas (Creators Syndicate) -- South Dakota is so rarely found on the leading edge of the far out, the wiggy, the California-esque. But it has now staked its claim. First to Outlaw Abortion This Century. The state legislature of South Dakota, in all its wisdom and majesty, a legislature comprised of sons and daughters of the soil from Aberdeen to Zell, have usurped the right of the women of that state to decide whether or not to bear the child of an unwanted pregnancy. THEY will decide. Women will do what they decide.
In South Dakota, pharmacists can refuse to fill a prescription for contraceptives should it trouble their conscience, and some groups who worked on the anti-abortion bill believe contraception also needs to be outlawed. Good plan. After that, we'll reconsider women's property rights, civil right and voting rights.
For years, the women's movement has been going around asking, "Who decides?" as though that were the issue. Well, here's the answer. Bill Napoli decides, and if you're not happy with that arrangement, well, you'd better be prepared to do something about it. [read the entire thing, some quotes that show just how idiotic these morons are that are just too prevelent to put here]

Male activists want 'say' in unplanned pregnancy
NEW YORK (AP) -- Contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.
[now I believe that there should be somewhat more of a say, but not a definitive be-all-end-all. IF YOU DON'T WANT A KID THEN DON'T FUCK OR AT LEAST DO YOUR BEST AT CONCTRACEPTION! IF YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU SHOULD BE STERILISED DICK FOR BRAINS (literally it appears)! THAT SOLVES THE PROBLEM! teh GEYHness]

-The good news is that there are so many abortive herbs out there legally that can be used SAFELY (a lot that people try are unsafe and are attempted in unsafe dosages/methods). If Roe Vs. Wade gets overturned in even one state I'm going to publish a safety manual for herbal and natural abortives, even if I have to independently publish it. Even if it may be CURRENTLY against the 'religion' of the reigning regime, it is and has always been approved of and historically backed in mine. Children who were too disabled to function at all were left out in the weather. If they survived then they were fit to be a part of the tribe/family. This is part of the basis for the entire being "raised by wolves" thing. With modern technology we can tell if a child has major genital, congenital, or other problems which would lead to them not surviving after birth or having a life of misery. This is a much more humane method than what was practiced traditionally, as such technology was not available at the time. However whatever the dissorder is it MUST be weighed against current and budding science, as well as the margin of error in testing. Conclusions should not be jumped to in such important matters. Even if a child is born with a dissabling congenital disease or dysfunction they may be capable, through science or on their own with help, of growing to live with it and maybe even becoming rid of it for the most part. "What use is a good man dead?" - Havamal. However if there is nothing which can be done or no way for the child to receive the attention needed than why let them suffer? Why let the rest of the family and society suffer? Conjoined twins are good example of this. Usually even if seperated successfully, even if only one survives, they are usually severly impaired, beyond functuionality. I rarely consider anyone truly "Insane" unless they are incapable of caring for themselves or pose a threat to themselves or others. Likewise I rarely consider such extreme measures as mentioned above to be necessary except in EXTREME cases. After all, who is to say that the child might not thrive due to the adversity presented to them? And scientific testing STILL has a margin for error, even 100% 'garunteed' birth defects sometimes are discovered to be false alarms upon birth. Just food for thought. At any rate, I do believe that both people are responsible for contraception if they do not wish a child, but I do believe that abortions are acceptable, although the father should play some role in the decision as it 'takes two to tango'. Don't copulate with him if you wouldn't want a baby with him! I believe I'm beginning to repeat myself. More rants later.

there is a rant/commentary in that last one, apart from just links to news articles.

sing out a tee dee um
when you see that ICBM
and we all will go together when we go
-Tom Lehrer, professor, Harvard graduate, and comedy singer/musician from the 50's/60's.

[edit]: also listening to Depeche Mode - "Told You So"

rants, new orleans, hurricane, abortion, iran, politics

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