c.s. lewis, the author of "The Chronicles of Narnia" and devoute x-ian has some interesting 'pagan' and heathen leanings.
Here again, C. S. Lewis is helpful. He observes, first of all, that, if you are a Christian, you don't have to believe that all of the other religions are completely wrong in everything they affirm. On the other hand, if you are an atheist, you will have to believe that the main point of all of the religions of the world is simply a huge mistake.1 These considerations led C. S. Lewis to a belief in Jesus Christ:
To me, who first approached Christianity from a delighted interest in, and reverence for, the best pagan imagination, who loved Balder before Christ and Plato before St. Augustine....
http://www.grmi.org/Richard_Riss/evidences2/26onl.html the quote can be found on wikipedia as well :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phol I wish I knew the entire context of that quote by lewis.