some behind the scenes on how we're getting screwed

Feb 13, 2006 20:18

ok so calling back to back this weekend one day, one FEMAnoid after another and all of them with different answers on why my rental assistance renewal was in limbo despite the fact that I am beyond the brink of being evicted. And of course, there were always some reasons for why there were no supervisors available. Everytime I offered to hold for a supervisor, however long it would take (LITERALLY!) and they would shrug that off and basically stop short of hanging up on me.

BUT I finally found a real human being among the FEMAnoids! I wish I remembered her name or number because she was genuinley a good person as near as I could tell and did more for me than anyone has in months as far as FEMA is concerned. I only had one car and that was left in front of my apartment in Lakeview because it wasn't highway worthy. So when I filled out the initial form online when it came to vehicles I filled out the correct information and that I only had 1. They sent me the application back with the packet and it agreed with what I had entered, only one vehicle, etc. After the FEMA inspector came out, who offered me pie, pi, and a kingdom in the sky more or less with what he said I should expect in the way of aide which I never received, including money to replace my car - which was right there for him to see - I called FEMA back after not hearing anything or receiving anything from them in the amount of time the inspector said I should. Turns out somewhere in the paperwork they showed I had 2 cars, exact same model, exact same year, colour, everything else, except one was damaged the other was not. SO I was not entitled to aide for a vehicle. I had to fax in something saying I only had one to get this straightened out. Then they refused to cover it because they said I didn't have adequate insurance for them to give me aide for it! Maybe I'm confused but aren't they there for people who don't have enough insurance????? If I had enough insurance I wouldn't need them to give me said aide!!!!!

So months later, being this past weekend, the HUMAN at FEMA actually looked at my entire application and case. Turns out that when I sent in the paper saying that I only had one car they put it into my account as an 'appeal' to the decision, rather than a change to my application. This means that it's sitting in limbo waiting to be reviewed, when it should have just been changed on my application. Turns out that when I sent in my Renewal of Rental Assistance form along with my entire (14 page) lease it was put in there with the original 'appeal' which shouldn't have been in there to begin with. So basically it was literally in limbo. No one would have ever seen it until it was too late for rental assistance to be approved, I would have been shite out of luck. Which I may still be but at least I know WHY now. The FEMAnoids had all taken a look at the rental assistance and either none of them had noticed this 'mistake' or just hadn't thought of mentioning it. So the human I spoke with said she was going to put in a note to her supervisor to say that it needed to be corrected and to call back in 5-8 days. Going to call back sooner just to make sure, and due to landlords behaviour and my dislike of being homeless.

I seriously don't think these sort of things are accidents, I have heard of too many other misfillings or wrong info which when they look at the paper they say "oh yeah, it does clearly say that" for me to believe this is an accident. I think they're trying to get away with as much as they can by doing as little as they can. Whether it's a conspiracy up to the top of FEMA or localised or if it's just people not wanting to work I don't know, but it's definitly too much to be a coincidence.

People calling may want to ask and make sure that this hasn't happened to any of their info (ie. being misfiled or filed as an appeal.)

Feel free to use the icon also, just mention who made it.

getting screwed, sba, fema

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