Title: The Cinema Show
Fandom: Wilby Wonderful
Pairing: Dan Jarvis/Duck MacDonald, Buddy French/Carol French, mentions of Duck MacDonald/Buddy French
Warnings: Homophobia (historical), mentions of suicidal behaviour
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: On an island like Wilby, and in a time like the 1920's, a local scandal is not easily forgotten. And certainly not when it evolves around people of the Oscar Wilde sort.
Author's Notes: This story is a historical AU, taking place in the 1920's. It was written for
sageness in 2010's
midsummer secret santa, and rewritten in June '11. Thank you so much to my betas:
imaginethetruth ,
mizface and
nos4a2no9 for all your help!
Link to story on AO3:
The Cinema Show