Title: Sing Your Life (the love songs of Kurt Hummel) 3/6
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt (eventual kurt/blaine)
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: “It's just a shirt,” Ben mocks, using his falsetto, and Kurt has to bite his own lip to keep quiet. He usually avoids speaking to the boys from seventh grade, because every time he opens his mouth he's giving them another reason to make fun of him.
Author's Note: First of all, thank you so much to my beta
cynicalwhimsy who kindly agreed to take this on, and to
luzula for reading through the mess that was my first draft and offering encouraging words.
This is a companion piece to
The Love Songs of Blaine Anderson: Five times Kurt's love was misunderstood, and one time it wasn't.
Link to story on AO3:
Sing Your Life (the love songs of Kurt Hummel)