Sep 21, 2004 17:30
hey ya`ll i kno i`ve still been bad about writing in my LJ! lOl lo siento. well the month of september has been pretty awesome for lil miss lauryn! :-) which is freakin awesome. well yah lets j/ say i think i really like someone now but not to sure about how he feels about me. sum ppl think hes j/ playin hard to get! nd sometimes i think that too nd other times i think he could j/ care less. joc knows what i`m talkin about. well...she knows my situtation. lOl i j/ pray that everything turns out exactly how it is supposed to be. nd homecoming is on oct. 9th! still dont have a date! hopefully i`ll get asked. but hey if not i`ll j/ go w/ all my friends. but even tho its been an awesome month its also been very very confusing. but hopefully it`ll only get better.
xO`s rYn
cRuShin` On sOmeOnE
---iTs oNe oF mY bFfL`s biRtHdAy tOmOrRoW...mR. jOsHuA scOTt lAnNinG!!---