heyyy ya`ll i j/ got home from the game about like 25 minutes ago...it wasnt that bad tho. had a convo w/ adam
about his great grandpa which made me happy b/c i still love that boy so much even tho we arent together nd i think he likes this one girl...
i dont kno her name but shes like always around him nd she had his hoodie on tonite at the game...nd it was like hummm
but yah he told me once he found out about his grandpa that he would let me know...b/c yah i met his great grandpa nd he seemed like a sweet man nd i j/ wanted to kno b/c i care about adam nd his family. but yah...hummm well we deff lost nd it suckes that we did but its ok b/c we will beat the next team! nd yah i go up to michael after the game nd i was like look @ my face mike ((his # was on it...72)) nd he was like aw thank you nd gave me a sweaty hug
i was like AGH sweaty huG!!!!! lOl humm yah its still on my face. lOl but its ok b/c yah it rained omgosh
i got soaked. but its ok i guess nd im so so so glad i wore my hair up. lOl oh yah saw jered at the game talked to him a lil but its like that boy wont talk to me in person...only online nd im like what the crap are u afraid im gunna beat u up? ((i actually said that)) nd he was like yah. i thought it was funny.
but yah now im super sleepy well kinda. lOl nd tomorrow hopefully im going to the movies. but idk! b/c i dont have neone to go w/ yet! ((HINT)) lOl but humm yah thats all i can remember for now so im gunna go! xO`s LaUrYn--*