[Oh look, on Envy's video feed today it looks like…the sky? And the tops of some of the buildings in Goldenrod. Did the 'Gear fall on the ground, or--]
[OH, hello there
giant green serpent-dragon face! That is one displeased and confused looking dragon there. Spoilers: it's Envy.]
[Envy shakes his head slightly, as though still disoriented,
Read more... )
You don't look like a Pokemon...
[Yeah, he's not a pokémon. Which he'll illustrate with a snort of 'duh' and a flick of his tail. Those things are so beneath him. (he hasn't seen them do magical stuff yet.)]
Wonder if Miguel'd want another horse, could be useful... [Especially one that probably can't hypnotize him and isn't on fire.]
[So he'll buff Envy with his head and nod a lot to get his point across. He is Miguel's horse! Where is Miguel? You know Miguel? You can help me, strange ... human!]
[You don't really smell like a human, but. Altivo can forgive that.]
[Wait a second.] Are you nodding?
[Well, this is Johto, land of insanity where all the wildlife seems to understand people already, so why the hell not? Envy is this close to actually throwing his hands in the air over this, but refrains. Sure, okay horse, he'll talk to you.] You want to come with me, horse?
[But yes, another nod as he buffs Envy again, urgently. Come on. Noooow.]
[Eyeroll. But it's actually a tiiiny bit fond observation instead of a mean-spirited one. Envy turns and starts walking off in a random direction--because he has no idea where Miguel actually is right now-- before turning his head to look back and see if the oddly-intelligent horse is actually following him.]
[But yep he'll be following, head held high. He's also rather visibly pretending to not be interested in what's going on behind him, even when he IS.]
[Man this place is weird.]
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